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Forestry Financial Incentives and Assistance - Hybrid
Bureau / Program: Maine Forest Service
Date: May 16, 2024
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: MOFGA Campus library, 294 Crosby Brook Road, Unity and Zoom
Event Type: Workshop/Training
Host: Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association
Join us for a discussion on available financial incentives and assistance with the Maine Forest Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service! Financials can be a large limiting factor to stewarding your land well. Luckily, there are resources available - whether you need a new bridge, have an understory of barberry, or simply need an updated forest management plan.
Speaker Sean Horan, a Climate Smart agriculture and forestry professional with UMaine Coop Ext and NRCs will be sharing NRCS opportunities and programs aimed at helping individuals manage their forest land. Speaker Alyssa Gregory, a District Forester with the Maine Forest Service, will be using her vast knowledge of regulatory issues, education and urban forestry to inform individuals on best practices for managing their land.
Snacks and hot beverages will be provided to those attending in-person. With a sliding scale type registration aimed at making workshops accessible, the recommended price for participation is $5 for MOFGA members and $10 for non-members. Please pay what feels reasonable.
Please email forestry@mofga.org if you have any questions.