A Workshop: Resolving Conflicts with Roadside Beaver - Bingham

Bureau / Program: Maine Forest Service
Date: September 25, 2024
Time: 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Former Quimby Elementary School - 263 Main Street Bingham, Maine
Event Type: Workshop/Training

This workshop is hosted by private woodland owner John Sferazo of Long Island, NY. It is tailored for municipal and state highway personnel, certified animal damage control agents, foresters, and wildlife biologists responsible for resolving roadside conflicts with beaver. Presenters will share cost-effective, time-tested methods and devices to co-exist with beavers residing along Maine's roads. The program consists of an indoor morning session, followed with the construction and installation of a beaver exclosure and water-leveling device by the class at an active beaver conflict site on a management road culvert that can influence nearby state Route 16.

Beavers enhance wetland ecosystems for many species of invertebrates, reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals, and fish. But they can also compromise road culverts and small bridges. Participants will: learn beaver biology and behavior, know how to assess a conflict site and determine remedies, get hands-on experience with effective, time-tested methods and devices to co-exist with beavers, leave with a solid understanding of the labor and materials cost of installing a typical beaver exclosure device, and have a good experience working as a group to resolve an active beaver conflict.


  • Chuck Hulsey - Wildlife Resource Supervisor/Habitat Biologist Maine DIFW
  • Scott Lindsay Regional Wildlife Biologist Maine DIFW
  • Ben Nugent - District Supervisor-Wildlife Biologist - USDA Wildlife Services


9:30 - 9:45
Refreshments - meet the hosts, presenters, and attendees.

9:45 - 10:00

Welcome and Introductions.
Chuck Hulsey

10:00 - 10:30
Problem Assessment and Solutions
Ben Nugent

10:30 - 11:00
Know Your Adversary: Beaver Biology and Behavior
Chuck Hulsey

11:00 - 11:15
Geronimo! A Wildlife Restoration Success Story
Scott Lindsay

11:15 - 11:30
Beaver/Human Conflict Resolution in Maine
Scott Lindsay

11:30 - 11:45
Safety and Introduction to Field Exercise
Scott Lindsay and Ben Nugent

11:45 - 12:15
BAG LUNCH - Bring your own

12:15 - 12:45
Travel to Training Site, Unload, Organize into Groups

12:45 - 3:45
Group Activity Construction and installation of beaver exclosure and water-leveling structure

3:45 - 4:00
Wrap-Up, Discussion, and Feedback


The program is free but Pre-Registration is Required. Class size is limited to 30.
To register e-mail: charles.hulsey@maine.gov

What to Bring

Chest waders (best) or hip boots if you want to help with the installation. Recommended: hard hat, work gloves, eye protection, a bag lunch, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Getting in the water is not required if you only want to observe or assemble exclosures at the roadside. We will need half the class to work in the water.

Work in the Water

Installation requires placing structures in shallow water. All work is by hand, on foot, and requires placing of posts (with post pounders) to secure the structures in place. The water is cool and shallow. It is rocky/mucky and may be a bit slippery. Many participants can get by with just hip boots, depending on height. All work will be done by hand. Bringing extra clean, dry clothes for ride home is recommended. The three structures are prepared and assembled by bending and tying light gauge wire. Work gloves and eye protection are recommended.

Cold water and drinks will be provided in the field.

Contact Name: Chuck Hulsey
Contact Email: charles.hulsey@maine.gov