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Information and inspiration for young Mainers about climate change, the State's climate action plan, and how youth can get involved and make a difference.


What is Climate&Me?

Climate change can feel overwhelming. From learning the science behind it, to grasping how we can confront it, there's a lot to take in. For many young people across Maine, coming together to protect our state and strengthen our future against climate change is an urgent priority. What is the first step to act on climate change? It starts with reflecting on your interests, values, and strengths -- that's your Climate&Me.

Get Connected

Stay informed about youth climate news, stories, events and other opportunities! Subscribe to to our monthly Climate&Me newsletter or follow us on social media: 

How is climate change affecting Maine?

Climate change is affecting all four corners of Maine, from rising sea levels, to storms causing damage to coastal and inland communities, disruptions to industries like farming, fishing and forestry, and increased harms to heath from flooding, high heat, and illnesses. In fact, you have likely begun to experience the impacts of climate in your community.

What is being done?

Maine Won’t Wait is Maine's four-year climate plan packed with actionable strategies and goals to emit less carbon, produce energy from renewable sources and protect our natural resources, communities and people from the effects of climate change. The plan is now being updated for 2024 by the Maine Climate Council -- and we urge Maine youth to lend their voice. 

How can young people engage in state climate action?

If you're not sure where to start, take our short Climate&Me Survey to start thinking about your interests, values, and strengths to find a climate action that's unique to you. We'd love to hear your ideas too! Use the survey to share your thoughts and questions. 

How can I find my Climate&Me?

Use this insightful ClimateVenn (as pioneered by Dr. Ayana Johnson) to think through your Climate&Me -- the approach to climate action that reflects your talent, your passions, and finding the climate challenges that need them. 

Youth & the Maine Climate Council 

MWW sticker logoThe Maine Climate Council is an assembly of scientists, industry leaders, bipartisan local and state officials, and engaged citizens appointed by Governor Janet Mills to develop a four-year plan to address the impacts of climate change on Maine. The Council is supported by six expert working groups, a subcommittee of leading scientists that evalute the latest climate trends for Maine, and a subcommitee on equity that works to ensure that shared benefits from climate action across diverse populations in Maine.

The Council and working groups have 12 youth representatives selected for thier interest and passion about climate change and commitment to providing a youth perspective to the state's climate planning. 

Amara Ifeji

Amara Ifeji, Maine Climate Council Youth Representative

Amara Ifeji is an internationally awarded leader in climate and environmental justice. The barriers she faced in accessing environmental experiences fostered her commitment to securing equitable access to the outdoors for all. In addition to serving as the Youth Representative for the Maine Climate Council, she is the Director of Policy with the Maine Environmental Education Association, where she leverages grassroots advocacy to advance state and federal policy solutions.

“As a student at Bangor High, I led community science initiatives where other students and I monitored the Penobscot River to ensure its health. I noticed that the river’s water quality decreased significantly after storm events. Community science was my first outlet for climate action as I tried to understand how Maine’s more prevalent storm events impacted my community. However, my classroom education did not reflect the climate concerns I committed to resolving. Therefore, as Youth Representative, I am most excited to center my work in environmental and climate education to enhance learning opportunities for Maine youth so that they can see themselves contributing to climate solutions. I am hopeful for a more climate-resilient and equitable Maine because I have the privilege of working with youth across the state who are leading community initiatives like climate action plans, community awareness campaigns, and climate art, all demonstrating that, as youth, we have a critical perspective on environmental issues that are invaluable to generating solutions.”

Abigail Hayne

Abigail Hayne, Youth Engagement Coordinator

Abigail is a trained scientist who now works for the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future to connect young people to climate action in Maine. Have questions on how to take climate action in your life, school or community? Ask her how to get started, or invite to speak to in your school or community.

Climate&Me Profiles

Young people across Maine are following their own Climate&Me to take action in their lives, their families, and communities. 

Climate Resources for Maine Youth

From joining a community group, to finding ways for your school to go green, to exploring exciting climate-oriented careers, there are many opportunities for young people to follow their Climate&Me.