Sector Strategies
The following are long descriptions of the images in the sector strategies pages
Industry Partnerships
Graphic displaying simplified versions of the graphics for Career Pathways, Industry Cluter and Sector Partnership. States that Strategic partners creat a career pathway system based on industry needs. The industry cluster provides input from industry in the sector partnership. Details of these three graphics is explained in the following descriptions..
Career Pathways
Work Flow showing movement from Secondary Education to Employment and the interrelatedness of the parts. Starts with high school (diploma or equivalent) and goes to either Adult Basic Education (credential) or to next level. Next level is either Workforce Training (certificate), University (degree), Community College (degree or certificate) or Organized Labor training or apprenticeship (certificate). From there, individuals can move to Enter the Workforce in a variety of careers. The graphic shows multiple arrows how an individual may move between the different types of training or from trainign into the workforce and back into training
Industry Cluster
Graphic displaying multiple overlapping circles with outward extending ripples. The circles vary in size and are show (largest to smallest) as; Large Anchor Firms, Small Businesses, Support Sectors, Medium Firms, Suppliers, Start-ups. The ripples are identified (from inside to outside) as Markets and Buyers, Supply chains, Infrastructure (includes transportation, utilieis, broadband etc), Innovation and Technology (which includes access to university and federal lab research and development) and Labor (which includes education and training systems, graduating jobseekers with skills for entry-level mid-levl and advanced level occupations.
Sector Partnerships
Graphic depicting a circle with two main groups; Industry Members defined as representitives from firms in a single industry and Strategic Partners. Around the cirlce are smaller circles depicting the convener, cirlces for unnamed industry members and various strategic partners who are shown as; K-12, Adult basic education, community colleges, universities, community based organizations, human serivces organizations, organized labor, workforce boards, one-stops, and economic development organizations.