Commission on Disability and Employment

September 1, 2021: 9:00 AM

Meeting of the State Workforce Board. The State Workforce Board is committed to providing access, equal opportunity and reasonable accommodation to its services, programs and employment. Please contact us should you required accommodation or alternative format materials. (207) 621-5087 or TTY Users Call Maine Relay 711


May 5, 2021 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Present: Peaches Bass, Jeanie Coltart, Renee Doble, Gayla Dwyer, Rachel Dyer, Karen Fraser, Jennifer Kimble, Donald Rice SWB Staff: Joshua Howe, Chris Quint Guests: Julia Endicott & Foxfire Buck (DRM), Susan Gatti & Chris Hynes (MMC DVS) CART: Marsha Swain

Minutes of March 2021 meeting reviewed and accepted. Approved unanimously.

Welcome/Introductions: Foxfire Buck introduced Julia Endicott, DRM's Client Assistance Program (CAP) advocate. The CAP advocates for individuals with disabilities who receive services from DVR, DBVI, DHHLD, and Independent Living Services.

SWB / Committees update: Josh Howe reported that things are going fast and furious; Chris Quint and Kim Moore co-chair the "grow local talent" work group of the Maine Economic Development Strategic Plan. Maine needs to add 70,000 workers in the next 10 years. The state has received a grant from the National Governors Association (NGA) and are working with DHHS on healthcare workforce needs. Support is also coming from the Gorman Foundation. Identified a need to create a clearinghouse of career path/education & training resources, as well aswho is receiving public service & how employment will impact these areas.
Developing a centralized credential registry, using Recovery money to push these types of things along. Example: Disability Employment Boot Camp-technical assistance opportunity is wrapping up. This involved DECD, Community Colleges, Voc Rehab, Apprenticeship, WIOA providers, and BES Staff. Discussed pain points, experience, successes with employers related to PWD as employees, from hiring to aging in place. Recognized the need to have resources to direct employers to when awareness is raised. Developed two-part training/webinars on Disability Employment toward a digital badge on DE awareness. Part 1 will be piloted this month, part 2 next month. Working with support from the Lumina Foundation and the University and Community College systems to collaborating on `digital badging project. Link to digital badging info/pathways: DE Bootcamp info will be shared with the SWB in a future meeting.

Employer Outreach (Discussion with Susan Gatti & Chris Hynes, MMC DVS Employer Relations Specialists) Susan and Chris talked about their role in the Cumberland/York County area, supporting VR clients to obtain employment by working on demand-side education and awareness and building relationships with businesses. They then link these businesses with employment service provider staff to facilitate efficient, quality job matches. FMI: Employer Relations at MMC Voc Services They explained that they are hearing from employers that turnover, a shallow labor pool, and interview no-shows are significant pain points. Related to hiring PWD, employers still see barriers related to perceived higher risk/workers comp issues and expensive accommodations, and commonly understand that a person with a disability is only someone with a visible disability (wheelchair user, white cane, Down Syndrome), not recognizing invisible disabilities that are very common and likely already in their workforce. Employers can be supported to better understand the diversity of disability (and abilities), and to weave this into a companys Diversity Equity & Inclusion plans. Many employers have DEI initiatives but dont include disability.
Employers are often also not aware of the Business Case to employ PWD. There are many reasons that it makes good business sense (reduced turnover, increased market share, social sustainability) but this information may not be on employers radar or they may not have the knowledge of local resources to support them in their efforts.

Susan and Chris noted that there is a need for increased support to employers to better develop their awareness and understanding, and to connect them with effective resources to advance employment for PWD. They recommended sharing head & heart stories about employer/employee matches with individuals of varying abilities and support needs, in various industries in addition to messaging about DEI and the business case.

Public Awareness In April, a cohort of CDE members met to brainstorm on this topic specific to a Public Service Announcement. Ideas were assembled and sent to Jess Picard in DOL Communications for messaging from DOL in social media, tied into the calendar. For example, May is Mental Health Awareness Month and Josh sent Jess several pieces of information related to that topic (handout provided).
Discussion was held regarding other topics recommended in the future: disability as part of DEI, Accommodations & Resources (askjan), business case, normalizing disability (1 in 4 Americans have a disability), retention, unemployment rate, NDEAM in October (this years theme- Americas Recovery: Powered by Inclusion), contributions PWD make to the economy (good info: AIR Hidden Market - PWD Purchasing Power), include PWD in DECD/grow local talent workgroup initiatives. Question was raised regarding how CDE page is used. Could more/different information be populated there? Could it be a resource to the public? Who owns responsibility for updates, etc.? 30 second PSA-testimonials would be really easy, just need to draft language.
Other Jennifer asked whether the CDE Annual Report had been submitted with SWB Annual Report to legislature. Josh was unsure, will check with Chris.

Due to time constraints, membership discussion was not held.

Meeting adjourned.

Attachments 09/01/2021 CDE Agenda