Commission on Disability & Employment

November 4, 2020: 9:00 AM
Frances Perkins Rm, 45 Commerce Dr., Augusta, ME


November 4, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Notes: Attendance: Jennifer Kimble, Gayla Dwyer, Rene Doble, Cheryl Peabody, Amie Parker, Erin Fenton, Peaches Bass, Ruth Pease, Rachel Dyer, Karen Fraser, Joshua Howe

Introductions complete Minutes: Minor changes made. Motion made by Peaches Bass to approve, seconded by Amie Parker. Unanimously approved. Discussed the "What Can You Do?" campaign for disability employment and the available public service announcement videos which are available from their website. Preferences were for Because, Working Works, and Who I am. It was noted that it really depended on who the audience was for the videos. Videos are also available via their YouTube site which makes it easier to embed in a website or send link to YouTube. Also discussed the possibility of embedding these videos on state websites and/or social networking accounts. Joshua Howe agreed to reach out to the DOL PR/Communications Director to inquire about options to use the PSAs on behalf of the Commission.

Presentation by Ruth Pease from the Center for Workforce Research and information. Discussed the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on unemployment and the specific impact on women. Numbers for women may be worse than reflected in unemployment data as some women may have left the workforce due to covid and aren't counted in those numbers. Discussed Employment Outlook report 2028 which was recently released. Maine has imbalance between those leaving the workforce and those entering the workforce, with more leaving the workforce. So, despite the lack of apparent growth in jobs in Maine, there will be substantial opportunities for employment due to people leaving positions as well as natural job changes and moves. Presentation available below.

Foxfire Buck from Disability Rights Maine presented on Impact of COVID-19 on Job Seekers with Disabilities living in congregate settings. PWD living in congregate settings like group homes have found different responses from facilities regarding their return to work. Some agencies ruling out work all together while others have taken person centered approach to trying to figure out how to assist clients safely with this. There has been confusion regarding what is permissible (from the CDC). Foxfire noted that her role and that of DRM has been advocacy and working with both parties to find a solution. For one client working in garden center, they were able to negotiate their return to work, as it was a lower risk environment. Encourages organizations to consider individual situations rather than having blanket rules for all of their clients. Eric Dibner, State ADA coordinator has been handling calls regarding this kind of situation as well. Foxfire suggested that people make referral if they need assistance. 626-2774 x110.

Joshua Howe provide update on Disability Bootcamp application. Maine was one of 6 states selected for the bootcamp and excited to have strong team participating in same. Representatives of service providers, Community College, BES, VR, Chamber of Commerce and apprenticeship. Focus will be on services to employers and finding way to get consistency and better support for employers and encourage hiring of PWD. May be reaching out to CDE for feedback or input on needs.

Update from Joshua Howe regarding the Accessibility Guide that is currently housed on the Maine BRS website. The State IT Accessibility Committee has agreed to own the tool, put resources toward updating it, and will soon post it on the State OIT site with its own page/link

State Rehabilitation council had annual meeting in October. Continue to solicit membership, particularly of PWD, but has had recent boost with new appointments and confirmations. SRC Orientation information is below, suggested reading of slides 14-27 especially.

Recent presentation for APSE conference and Disability Employment Awareness Month, Celebrating Employment First in Maine- webinar link and passcode available from the Syntiro website

2021 meetings to be determined.

Adjournment motion made by Peaches Bass, seconded by Rene Doble. Unanimously approved.

