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Standard Offer Bid Solicitation Additional Data

For CMP and EME-BHE Small, Medium & Large; Service Starting on January 1, 2019

The files below are posted in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Word files require either Microsoft Word or the free Word Viewer software. Microsoft Excel files require either Microsoft Excel or the free Excel Viewer.

Note: To receive documents in a different electronic format than provided below, please contact:


CMP Small/Medium/Large

EME-BHE's Small/Medium/Large

Billing Determinates

As-billed meter data for Total class and SO Only. Certain large customers with long-term CEP contracts have been proformed out of the large total class data.

Billing Determinates

Actual, as-billed meter data for Total class and SO Only.

Actual SO Hourly Settlement Data

Original settlement - Actual hourly standard offer settlement data as originally settled with ISO-NE.

Load Summary

Summary of SO and all customers data, including peak demand data. For the Medium class, the data is from the settlement files. For the large class, the summary is based on metered data and the standard offer class is based on those customers on standard offer as of July 31, 2018 with known proforma adjustments.


Re-settled - Actual hourly standard offer settlement data as re-settled with ISO-NE.



Load Profiles

Usage by Voltage

Actual SO Hourly Settlement Data

Actual hourly standard offer settlement data as settled with ISO-NE.  Small and medium classes settled on profiles. Includes losses and unaccounted for energy.




Other Hourly Data & Pk Load


Large Class - SO customers

Represents the standard offer customers as of July 31, 2018 hourly demand based on metered data, does not include losses.


Aggregated ICAP data for standard offer customers as reported on the last day of each month to ISO-NE


Aggregated ICAP data for standard offer customers as reported on the last day of each month to ISO-NE

ICAP Tags By Class By Year (New)

ICAP Tags By Class By Year (first and last day of month) (New as of September 26, 2018)

Large Class Customers by kWh Ranges

The number of customers in the large class by kWh range currently receiving service from standard offer and competitive electricity providers.

Large Class Customers by kWh Ranges

The number of customers in the large class by kWh range currently receiving service from standard offer competitive electricity providers.

Large Class Time of Use Hours

Large Class Time of Use Hours

Enrollment Statistics

Shows by rate class and month, the kWh usage and number of customers taking service on SOP and CEPs. The CMP Meter read schedules are also shown on this link.



Line Loss Factors & Profile data

Profiles used when AMI data is not available (note that lighting accounts are settled on the deemed lighting profiles as meters are not installed on lighting accounts) and Loss Factors.



EBT and EDI documents