State Seeks Public Comments on Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act Modifications in the Unified Plan Bookmark and Share

February 28, 2018

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 28, 2018 Media Contact: Laura Hudson, Maine Department of Labor, 621-5009

State Seeks Public Comments on Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act Modifications in the Unified Plan Comments will be accepted from February 28 through March 7, 2018

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 28, 2018 Media Contact: Laura Hudson, Maine Department of Labor, 621-5009

AUGUSTA ? The Maine Department of Labor and the State Workforce Development Board have posted the 2018 modifications to the workforce development state plan for public comment.

The plan modification is a requirement of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)?federal legislation that directs each state?s workforce system to develop regional, service-delivery strategies with its Adult Education and Vocational Rehabilitation programs and replaces the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.

The premise of the plan is that the success of Maine?s economy will ultimately be determined by the strength and quality of its workforce and the ability of employers to fill their need for skilled labor. It outlines the steps needed to address the state?s workforce needs and identifies tasks and duties of each agency and core partner.

The State Workforce Development Board is seeking public comments for the plan. The plan is available at

Comments will be accepted from February 28 through March 7, 2018 at, using the public comment form available through the link above or by mail to State Workforce Board, Attn: WIOA Unified Plan, 54 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333. Comments sent through traditional mail must be postmarked by March 6, 2018. Comments received after March 6, 2018 without an earlier postmark date will not be accepted.

The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act was signed into law by the president on July 22, 2014. The federal legislation reauthorized the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 and the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act. In Maine, WIOA core partners represent roughly $55 million in federal, state and other funding.

Maine Department of Labor is an equal opportunity provider. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
