Home → News & Events → Department of Labor Available On-Site Feb 12 for Employees Affected by Layoffs at Downeast Correctional Facility
Department of Labor Available On-Site Feb 12 for Employees Affected by Layoffs at Downeast Correctional Facility
February 9, 2018
For Immediate Release: February 9, 2018
Media Contact: Laura Hudson, Department of Labor, 621-5009
MACHIASPORT?Maine Department of Labor (MDOL) will be on-site Monday, February 12 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Downeast Correctional Facility, 64 Base Rd., Machiasport, to offer assistance to laid-off workers. Workers who have lost their job may be eligible to collect unemployment benefits and for other services. The department will be available to answer questions about health insurance options, re-employment assistance, and how and when to file for unemployment benefits.
The Bureau of Employment Services provides a variety of employment and training services for Maine workers, businesses and jobseekers through the Maine CareerCenter network, http://www.mainecareercenter.gov .
Maine CareerCenters are an equal opportunity provider. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.