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Workers? Comp Report Outlines Department of Labor's Safety Efforts
February 20, 2009
The Annual Report of the Maine Workers Compensation System was published this week and includes information about Maine Department of Labor services that are helping protect the safety of workers on the job and reduce Workers? Compensation costs for Maine employers.
The Maine Department of Labor has a long-standing relationship with the Workers Compensation Board that has led to a better understanding of the causes of work related injuries and illnesses in Maine.
Analyzing data collected from Workers Compensation injury reports, Maine Department of Labor researchers highlight the regions and industries where injuries are most likely to occur and track the nature and source of injuries. All this information is looked at through the lens of the event or exposure that caused the injury with the goal of designing more effective injury and illness programs.
The report includes lots of interesting information on trends and prevention efforts. A copy can be viewed or downloaded on the Maine Workers' Compensation website.