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Study to Look at Impact of Lean on Workplace Safety
March 20, 2009
The Maine Department of Labor is part of a research partnership exploring the impact of lean work processes on workplace safety.
The research will look at three Maine manufacturers to learn what effect systems improvements have on the culture of an organization as reflected in their safety and health history. Funded by the Safety and Education Training Fund, the study will be used to target injury and illness prevention programs and inform the development of occupational safety and health programs in manufacturing.
Other partners in the study include the Maine Occupational Research Association (MORA), Maine Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), Dr. Ivan Most of Strategic Occupational Health Management, and adjunct faculty at the University of New England and University of Southern Maine.
Results from the study will be reported to the National Occupational Research Agenda.
For more information, contact John Rioux at the Maine Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Standards Research and Statistics Unit.