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February Programs for Job Seekers at the Machias and Calais CareerCenters
February 5, 2014
For Immediate Release: February 5, 2013 Contact: Nichole Jamison Washington County CareerCenters, 255-1900; Julie Rabinowitz, Maine Department of Labor, 621-5009
Save the date for Jobs Fairs in March and April
WASHINGTON COUNTY? The Machias and Calais CareerCenters, in conjunction with their partners, continues its series of workshops and programs for job seekers and those considering training to upgrade their skills and increase their employability.
?Our falling unemployment rate is a strong indicator of our improving economy,? said Governor Paul R. LePage. ?Now is a good time to use CareerCenter services to make sure that your resume rises to the top of the hiring manager?s list. Our staff can give you a fresh perspective and solid advice on your job search and career options.?
The Machias and Calais CareerCenters are coordinating two regional job fairs in March and April. Employers interesting in participating should contact their local CareerCenter. The Machias-area fair will be held Mar. 27, 2014, from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Lee-Pellon Event Center. The Calais-area fair will be held Apr. 17, 2014, from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Washington County Community College Gymnasium.
CareerCenters, part of the Maine Department of Labor, offer a variety of services to help people find employment or upgrade skills. Each center provides several public-access computer workstations with Microsoft Office software, resume writing and cover letter software, Internet access and O?Net software for skills assessment. In addition, CareerCenters can assist businesses recruit employees and can offer workshops at their worksite. All CareerCenter services are free of charge.
For more information on any of the CareerCenters programs, visit http://www.mainecareercenter.com . To learn more, like the Washington County CareerCenters on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Washington-County-CareerCenters/606111642755982 . Maine Veterans receive priority of service in all CareerCenter programs. The following workshops and programs will be held at the indicated CareerCenters. All events require pre-registration in person or by phone.
GATEways to Employment: Group Access to Employment?Two sessions, Feb. 5 at 2 p.m. at the Calais CareerCenter and Feb. 27 at 9 a.m. at the Machias CareerCenter. Is your job search in need of a boost? Are you looking for a way to stand out to a potential employer? Do you want to be at a significant advantage from other job seekers in today's competitive work/job seeking environment? GATEways to Employment is a great opportunity for you! Come and share your ideas and experiences with other job seekers. Increase your job search success, gain insight on the latest job search techniques, and maximize your potential. CareerCenter counselors are here to help you find your key to success! To register, call Michelle at 1-800-292-8929.
Finding Dollars for College?Three sessions, Feb. 11 at 11 a.m. at the Washington County Community College TRIO Office and Feb. 13 and Feb. 27, both in Machias from 3:30 to 5 p.m. If you are currently in college or will be entering in the fall 2014, attend one of these sessions and you will learn about financial resources available to assist you. Contact Janie to register at erma.j.small@maine.gov or text her at 446-7718.
The Calais CareerCenter located at One College Drive in Calais, is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday and can be reached at (207) 454-7551 or 1-800-543-0303 (TTY users should dial Maine Relay 711) or email calais.careercenter@maine.gov .
The Machias CareerCenter located at 53 Prescott Drive, Suite 1 in Machias, is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday and can be reached at (207) 255-1900 or 1-800-292-8929 (TTY users should dial Maine Relay 711) or email machias.careercenter@maine.gov .
Maine CareerCenters are an equal opportunity provider. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.