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Governor Honors People Who Help Veterans Get Jobs
November 16, 2007
Augusta - Maine Governor John Baldacci recently marked the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Disabled Veterans Outreach Program by honoring the CareerCenter staff who specialize in helping Maine Veterans secure benefits, training, and employment.
In a proclamation issued this month Baldacci noted that Disabled Veterans Outreach Program and the Local Veterans Employment Representative Program have touched the lives of thousands of Maine veterans by helping them find jobs and transition to civilian life.
?Military service is deeply rooted in the traditions of many Maine families,? said Maine Labor Commissioner Laura Fortman. ?The nearly 150,000 veterans in our state are an important part of our workforce, and Maine?s CareerCenter veterans? representatives are committed to helping them meet their employment goals.
Maine has Veterans Representatives working throughout the Maine CareerCenter system to provide one-on-one service to veterans to help them find new jobs. Veterans visiting the CareerCenter receive information and access to information and access to employment and training services, as well as other state and federal resources available to veterans. Individuals are assessed on skills and previous work experience and referred to local employers with job openings that meet their profile and interest. Veterans also receive information about Federal and State employment opportunities, where a preference is given to applicants who are veterans.
Some veterans need additional skill upgrades in order to help them find new work, and the CareerCenter makes referrals to veterans in need of training. Participants receive a customized training plan that is based on their interest, abilities and the availability of jobs in their field of training. Programs range from short-term occupational skills training to apprenticeship. Each year approximately 400 veterans benefit from the service.
The Disabled Veterans Outreach Program was created in 1977 to assist the thousands of unemployed disabled and Vietnam-era veterans in overcoming barriers to employment and find jobs.
For more information about employment services for veterans, please call 1-888-457-8883 or TTY: 1-800-794-1110.