In order to be admitted into the Law Enforcement Pre-Service Program a candidate:
- Shall be at least 21 years of age. unless the applicant has an associates degree or 60 credit hours of post secondary education in which case the applicant must be at least 20 years of age, or unless an applicant for pre-service training is currently enrolled in an accredited post secondary educational program, has completed 40 credit hours, and the applicant is at least l9 years of age;
- Shall submit the medical certificate provided by the Academy, signed by a licensed physician indicating that the applicant is physically and medically fit to undergo physical training at the Academy;
- Shall meet the physical fitness standards as established by the Board of Trustees;
- Should have no convictions for Murder, Class A, Class B, Class C, or Class D crime; or convictions for any violation of the Maine Criminal Code, chapters 15, 19, 25 or 45, or a conviction for any equivalent crime in another jurisdiction outside the State of Maine. A person may make application to the Board of Trustees for a waiver of this provision;
- Should not have engaged in any conduct that is penalized in this state as Murder, Class A, Class B, Class C, or Class D crime, or any provision of the Maine Criminal Code, chapters 15, 19, 25 or 45; or engaged in such conduct in another jurisdiction outside the State of Maine, unless that conduct is not punishable as a crime under the laws of that jurisdiction. A person may make application to the Board of Trustees for a waiver of this provision;
- Shall be of good moral character, as determined by a thorough background investigation by the hiring or sponsoring agency;
- Shall complete a state and federal criminal records check through the submission of fingerprints to the State Bureau of Identification and the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
- Shall not falsify or misrepresent any information during the application process, background investigation, or polygraph examination.
- Shall possess a valid motor vehicle operator's license. If such license is not a Maine license at the time of admission to the Academy, the applicant shall obtain a State of Maine license within the time limits prescribed by Maine law; and
- Shall be able to read and write at a level necessary to master the law enforcement basic training course as determined by the use of a reading and writing test.
Law Enforcement Pre-Service Forms
- Phase I Application (Word)
- Phase II Application (Word)
- Phase III Sign Off (Word)
- 40% Entrance and 50% Exit PT Standards Effective 10-01-2013 (Word)
- For information about the Alert Test - please check the Frequently Asked Questions section (FAQ)