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SIM Subcommittees (2013-2016)
Payment Reform Subcommittee The Payment Reform Subcommittee provides guidance and oversight to aspects of the SIM project that support the development and alignment of new payment models. This work includes ensuring the coordination of SIM activities that impact payment reform, developing consensus on core measures sets for ACO performance and public/provider reporting, and advising efforts to educate and engage the public around issues related to payment reform.
Visit the Payment Reform Subcommittee page
Delivery System Reform Subcommittee The Delivery System Reform Subcommittee advises on SIM activities related to the scope of delivery system improvements and helps to ensure the coordination and comprehensiveness of key system delivery reform projects. It also helps to ensure that the SIM governance structure is informed on best practices and approaches to accomplish the SIM mission and vision, and identify key dependencies from other SIM subcommittees.
Visit the Delivery System Reform Subcommittee page
Data Infrastructure Subcommittee The SIM Data Infrastructure Subcommittee (DIS) is a multi-stakeholder public/private group of health information technology (IT) leadership and professionals.
The DIS provides recommendations for the identified needs of the Delivery System Reform and Payment Reform Subcommittee, as well as any SIM partner, related to IT infrastructure and capabilities necessary to operationalize the State Innovation Model objectives.
Results and recommendations will consider both short and long term sustainability of the SIM goals and final recommendations reached in consensus between the subcommittees involved will be reported to the SIM Steering Committee.
Visit the Data Infrastructure Subcommittee page
Evaluation Subcommittee: The Maine SIM Evaluation Subcommittee will provide strategic oversight and guidance to the design and implementation of project evaluation, performance reporting, continuous quality improvement (CQI), and evaluation dissemination activities for Maine's SIM project. The Subcommittee will also support the development of local evaluation infrastructure as part of a sustainable research collaborative designed to build on the effectiveness of SIM models.
Visit the Evaluation Subcommittee page