Division of Environmental and Community Health

Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention

A Division of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services

DHHSMeCDCEnvironmental and Community HealthDrinking WaterRules, Regulated Contaminants, & Policies
Lead & Copper Rule Revision/Lead Service Line Inventories

Lead and Copper Rule Revisions / Lead Service Line Inventory


Page Index

Service Line Inventories

Forms and Guidance

Submitting Completed Inventories

Frequently Asked Questions

The Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) represent the first major update to the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) in nearly 30 years. “EPA’s new rule strengthens every aspect of the LCR to better protect children and communities from the risks of lead exposure. The new LCR will better protect children at elementary schools and child care facilities, get the lead out of our nation’s drinking water, and empower communities through information.” – US Environmental Protection Agency


A Service Line Inventory is a critical element in the effort to address sources of lead in drinking water and protecting public health.  All Community and Non-transient, Non-community (NTNC) public water systems must develop and submit a comprehensive and accurate inventory of every service line in their distribution system, regardless of whether any lead is present. Each service line, for every address served by the PWS, must be characterized regardless of the ownership of the line or its current use.

Service Line Inventories must be complete and submitted by October 16, 2024.

  • IMPORTANT:  Be sure to carefully follow the instructions for both the Inventory and Public Notice requirements.
  • For Trainings or Individualized Assistance please contact the Maine Rural Water Association (MRWA) at:

The inventory form requires key information such as the number of service lines in the system, a characterization of the composition of each service line, documentation of the method used to identify service line material, and the means that will be used to make the information in the inventory publicly accessible. This inventory must be amended in future years as new information becomes available or service lines are modified.

The DWP encourages all applicable PWS to begin work on their Service Line Inventories as soon as possible. It may take a significant amount of time to complete the inventory, and the submittal deadline is firm. Training on service line inventory completion by the DWP and our partners will be announced soon.

The inventory is required to be submitted electronically on one of two inventory form templates (downloads below):

  • The Large System Inventory Template (form B1) must be used by
    • All municipal systems, and
    • Any other PWS with more than 25 service lines in their distribution.
  • The Small System Inventory Form (form B2)
    • A shortened, simplified version that may be used by PWS with 25 or fewer service lines.

Inventories should be completed electronically to ensure accuracy and data integrity.  If a small PWS needs a hard (paper) copy of form B2 to assist with their inventory, please contact the DWP's LCR Rule Specialist, Michelle Ross:  Email or phone (207) 592-4847


Forms and Guidance

Large System Service Line Inventory (Form B1)

Small System Service Line Inventory (Form B2)

  • Small System Service Line Inventory Form (PDF)
    This form is an electronically fillable PDF. To ensure all functions operate properly, the form should be opened and completed using Adobe® Reader.
    Click here to download and install the application.  This is a safe and free download from Adobe®.
  • Form B2 Instructions (PDF)
  • How to Use PDF Forms
  • EPA Small System Service Line Inventory Guide (PDF)

IMPORTANT: Completed Service Line Inventories must be submitted no later than October 16, 2024


Public Notice Templates

IMPORTANT: Completed Service Line Inventory public notices must be submitted to no later than November 15, 2024

Public Notice Flowcharts

Federal Lead and Copper Rule Revisions  Click here to learn more.

Financial Assistance for Service Line Inventories is available.  Click here to learn about funding options.

Training and/or Individualized Assistance is available from the Maine Rural Water Association (MRWA). For more information, email MRWA at


Submitting Completed Inventories and Public Notices

Completed inventories must be submitted to the DWP no later than October 16, 2024.

Completed public notice documentation must be submitted to the DWP no later than November 15, 2024.

If you require assistance with your inventory submittal, please contact Michelle Ross:  Email or phone (207) 592-4847.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. A customer of my PWS is requesting a lead and copper sample after receiving their notice of service line material. Does my PWS have to pay for this sample?
  2. Who must complete a Service Line Inventory (SLI)?
  3. When is the Service Line Inventory due?
  4. When do I need to submit my Service Line Inventory public notice?
  5. What must be included in the SLI?
  6. Which service lines are included?
  7. What are “unknown” service lines?
  8. What are non-lead service lines?
  9. What are galvanized service lines requiring replacement?
  10. Do goosenecks/pigtails need to be included in the inventory?
  11. Do lead goosenecks, pigtails, or connectors cause a service line to be classified as a lead service line under the LCRR?
  12. Do lead goosenecks, pigtails, or connectors cause a service line to be classified as a galvanized requiring replacement service line under the LCRR?
  13. Does the inventory include documenting lead fittings at the curb stop and the main?
  14. In what format does the SLI need to be submitted?
  15. How do I submit my inventory?
  16. Do I need to include any pictures, maps, or blueprints used as evidence in my submission that is due October 16, 2024?
  17. Do I need to tell my customers about my inventory?
  18. Do I still need to tell my customers about my inventory if it contains only non-lead lines?
  19. What methods are available for determining the materials for unknown service lines?
  20. Can a PWS submit a statement that there are no lead service lines in lieu of an inventory?
  21. What if a PWS has no lead service lines and no galvanized service lines requiring replacement?
  22. Is there funding available to develop the SLI?
  23. Is there funding available to replace lead service lines?
  24. What is the LCRR definition of a lead service line?
  25. What is the LCRR definition of a gooseneck or pigtail?
  26. If a galvanized line is located downstream of a lead gooseneck, must it be classified as a “Galvanized Requiring Replacement” (GRR)?
  27. Are Community water systems responsible for determining service line material past the master meter in manufactured housing facilities, school campuses, hospitals, etc.?
  28. What efforts are required to identify the material of service lines to mobile homes located in parks that are public water systems (PWS) as well as those in parks served by municipal systems?
  29. Can employees who’ve worked on the construction project of installing a main or service line verify now, from memory, the material that was put in or that they saw?
  30. Can a water system assume a service line with a diameter greater than 2 inches is non lead?
  31. Are tie cards adequate for identifying service line materials?
  32. Is a PWS required to verify its information is correct?
  33. Can statistical modeling be used, and if so, how?
  34. What type of identification methods are allowed?
  35. Can a PWS use funding to hire an intern or pay existing staff to go through data or our programmer to upgrade our database?
  36. Will there be a simple process to access those funding resources instead of going through the formal loan/SRF/Capacity grant process?
  37. Does my public water system need to consider the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act (January 4, 2014) when completing the inventory?
  38. What year does the DWP find acceptable to help filter/classify service line in regard to lead ban of 1986?
  39. The Maine Plumbing Code from 1926 shows a lead ban for all service lines starting at that time. Does that mean that a PWS can automatically character all service lines from homes built after that date as non-lead?
  40. How should brass service lines be categorized?
  41. How should lead-lined service lines be categorized?
  42. What level of documentation is sufficient to call a service line “Non-Lead?”
  43. If a PWS has a well serving a single building, what should be reported?
  44. Is there a requirement to collect new information and update the inventory?
  45. Where can I find more information about the LCRR?
  46. My public water system is collecting Lead and Copper samples in 2024. If I exceed the lead action level, do I need to complete a 24-hour public notice?
  47. My public water system has LSLs, GRRs, or unknown SLs and has made the inventory available to the public. Are there any other public notification requirements specific to the inventory?

Updated 11/21/2024