Frequently Asked Questions for Consumers
Where can I find a list of Accredited Laboratories?
Please visit our Laboratory Accreditation page where you can find a list of Maine Accredited Commercial Laboratories (PDF). You can also find a list of both in-state and out-of-state laboratories certified by individual test.
I’m a homeowner with my own well. What should I test for?
The Environmental and Occupational Health Program provides advice to private well owners on well water safety. Please visit their Private Well Owners page for guidance on testing private wells.
My public water system is on a Boil Water Order. Can I still use the water for my pets?
Many pets will be unaffected by consuming water under a Boil Water Order, but some may be affected. As a precautionary measure, it is recommended to include your pet in the Boil Water Order. For specific guidance on your individual pet, we recommend you contact a veterinarian.I just found out my public water system is on a Boil Water Order. What should I do and what do I need to know?
Please see our PDF factsheet What Consumers Should Know About Boil Water Orders for guidance on what to do if your public water system is on a Boil Water Order.
Is funding available for private well repair, replacement or treatment?
Funding through the Drinking Water Program is only available to public water systems and not to private well owners. There may be limited funding available to private well owners through the Maine State Housing Authority’s Home Repair Program or through the United States Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development Grant and Loan Programs. These programs typically have eligibility requirements so be sure to check for details.
Where can I find information about my private well?
Private well owners can access guidance and resources through the DWP Private Well Technical Assistance program.
The Environmental and Occupational Health Program also provides advice to private well owners. Visit their Private Well Owners page for guidance on well water safety and quality.
I’m a homeowner and I have arsenic in my well. What should I do?
Guidance can be found on the Arsenic in Drinking Water page of this website.
Maine CDC’s Environmental and Occupational Health Program also offers advice to private well owners on well water safety and quality and has a factsheet for homeowners about Arsenic in Your Well Water.
How much is too much Arsenic in water?
When well water is tested for arsenic, the testing lab will often report how much is present as the number of milligrams of arsenic per liter of water (a liter is about a quart). Shorthand for milligrams per liter is "mg/L".
The current drinking water standard for arsenic is 0.01 milligrams per liter of water (or 0.01 mg/L). This standard was adopted in 2002 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to protect the water quality of public water systems. The World Health Organization has also recommended a guideline of 0.01 mg/L.
Will Arsenic in my water cause health problems?
If your water has arsenic, several factors working together will determine how likely it is for harmful health effects to occur. These factors are:
- Dose – How much arsenic you have been exposed to;
- Duration – How long and how often you have been exposed;
- General health, nutrition, age, and lifestyle – Some people may be affected by lower levels of arsenic in water than others may. Young children, the elderly, people with certain long-term illnesses, people with poor nutrition, and smokers may be at greater risk than others.
What are the health effects from use of water with arsenic?
For water with arsenic levels less than 0.2 mg/L, the major health concern is an increased chance of getting some types of cancer (such as skin, bladder, lung and possibly liver and kidney). How great is the chance of getting cancer? If 1000 people had long-term use of household water with arsenic levels of 0.01 mg/L, then several people might get cancer. For arsenic water levels higher than 0.01 mg/L the chance of getting cancer increases, while for lower arsenic water levels the chance decreases. How many years of water use also changes your chance of getting cancer.
As arsenic water levels become greater than 0.2 mg/L and length of water use becomes longer than a year, the chance of having other health effects you or your doctor can detect becomes more likely. These health effects include:
- Stomach and intestinal irritation apparent as pain, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea;
- Blood-related effects, such as decreased numbers of red and white blood cells which may result in fatigue, blood vessel damage resulting in bruising, and abnormal heart rhythm;
- Nervous system effects resulting in either a numbness or a "pins and needles" sensation in your hands and feet;
- Skin changes in coloring appearing as a fine freckled or "raindrop" pattern in the trunk and hands and feet, and unusual skin growth (possibly wart-like) on the palms and soles.
Many of the health effects described above for arsenic are often seen with other common illnesses. This makes it difficult to know if these health effects are due to arsenic exposure. If you are concerned about health problems possibly due to arsenic in your water, you should discuss them with your doctor.
What can I do if my water has high Arsenic levels?
If the arsenic level in your water is greater than 0.01 mg/L, the Bureau of Health recommends that you stop using your well water for drinking and preparing food. Bottled water can be used for these purposes as a quick way to decrease the amount of arsenic getting into your body. Drinking water and eating foods prepared with water are the major ways water-borne arsenic gets into your body. Bathing is unlikely to result in much arsenic getting into your body through skin, but a watchful eye may be needed with kids to prevent play-related drinking of bath water.
Arsenic is rather quickly removed from your body. Most of the arsenic in your body will be gone several days after stopping use of water for drinking and cooking. Some of the health effects described above either partly or completely go away after use of high arsenic water has ended.
Do not attempt to remove arsenic from water by boiling. Boiling water will only increase arsenic levels.
There are in-home treatment systems to remove arsenic from your water. Examples of treatment systems that have been used for individual homes are: Distillation systems, that convert water to steam leaving the arsenic behind and then condense the steam back to water; Reverse Osmosis systems that force water through a filter to remove arsenic; Iron Oxide filter media that use a magnetic like attraction to grab onto and hold arsenic molecules, Anion Exchange systems that replace arsenic in water with a nontoxic chemical; and Activated Alumina systems that adsorb arsenic from water.
The treatment system or combined systems that are best for you will depend on several factors, such as:
- How high your arsenic water levels are and therefore how much needs to be removed;
- Whether you want to treat all water coming into the house or just water at one or two sinks; and
- The chemistry of your water, because some treatment systems will not effectively remove certain forms of arsenic.
Costs of systems can range from $500 to more than $3000. Because choosing a system requires thinking about your specific well water chemistry along with your water needs, a water treatment specialist should always be consulted prior to buying a water treatment system.
Important: After installing a new water treatment system, always retest your water to make sure the arsenic has been removed.
How is Arsenic getting into my well water?
The arsenic in your well water may come from natural sources or human activity. Arsenic is an element commonly found in soil and rocks, and certain rock types tend have higher levels of arsenic. Pesticides and herbicides containing arsenic were commonly used in farming (e.g., blueberry, apple, potato) and other practices during the first half of this century, but their use was greatly restricted after the 1960s. Pressure treated wood contains arsenic that can leach into underlying soils and transfer on to skin from casual contact with wood surfaces that have not been properly treated with a sealant.
A great number of Maine wells could have arsenic levels above the 0.01 mg/L standard. Wells with high arsenic can sometimes occur as a localized group. For this reason, we recommend you inform your neighbors if your water has tested high for arsenic. The DWP recommends that all residents with a private water supply test their water for arsenic using a laboratory accredited by the state to perform this test. The Laboratory Accreditation page of this website can help you locate an accredited laboratory.
I am a homeowner and my well is running dry. Is there financial assistance available?
The Rural Development division of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Maine State Housing Authority (MSHA) have programs that can give financial assistance to homeowners who qualify. Click here for links and more information about these programs.
Updated 1/5/2023