Helping TANF recipients on the road to employment

July 17, 2019

The Office for Family Independence has implemented a new change designed to support recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) in pursuing and maintaining education and employment.

TANF recipients will now benefit from an increase in the upper limits on two vital support services – vehicle liability insurance and weekly mileage reimbursement. Transportation challenges present a consistent barrier to work for those actively seeking and engaged in education activities and employment. Throughout our state, and especially in rural areas, the ability to travel to and from work is crucial to obtaining and maintaining employment.

To assist TANF participants in overcoming this barrier, the maximum for liability insurance reimbursement will increase from $300 to $600 annually and the weekly mileage reimbursement will increase from $120 to a maximum of $140. While the rules related to this change are in process, this change became effective on July 1, 2019.

We are pleased to make this change as part of our work to assist Mainers in their path to self-sufficiency.