Accessibility Statement
The State of Maine is committed to making its digital information and services accessible and usable by everyone. Our ongoing accessibility effort works towards conforming to the Section 508 Standards and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.1, level AA success criteria. Conformance with these guidelines not only help make web content accessible to users with sensory, cognitive and mobility disabilities, but ultimately to all users, regardless of ability.
Digital Information and Services
As defined in our Digital Accessibility Policy (PDF), digital information and services include, but is not limited to the following:
- Electronic content: websites and web-based materials (internet/intranet), training materials (online training materials, tests, online surveys), multimedia (video/audio), digital materials (documents, templates, forms, reports, surveys), social media, maps and infographics, electronic emergency notifications, and subscription services (news feeds, alert services, professional journals);
- Software: web, desktop, server, and mobile client applications, authoring tools, associated infrastructure, and service offerings (Software as a Service, Platform as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service);
- Hardware: computers and laptops, servers, tablets, printers and copiers, scanners, peripheral equipment (keyboards, mice), kiosks, and mobile phones; and
- Support documentation and services: This includes, but is not limited to, training services, help desk or call center, automated self-service and technical support, and product materials.
Digital Accessibility Feedback Form
We want to hear about your State of Maine digital accessibility experiences! Please use the form below to share your digital accessibility feedback with us. This could be anything from a positive experience you've had, issues that you've encountered, suggestions to make our site better, or general digital accessibility inquiries specific to the State of Maine.
When you complete the form, only the comment field is required. Please be as specific as possible about your experience or inquiry and include any relevant URLs. If you would like someone to follow up with you, please also provide your name and an email address where you can be reached.
If you are not able to complete the form, you may email us instead. Thank you.