
Whether in person or online, it's important to keep aware of your audience's needs when doing any sort of presentation. The goal of presenting any information is understanding from your audience. To this end, it is important that participants see, hear or feel the information being presented.

Many of these recommendations equally benefit non-disabled participants in addition to those with disabilities.

Don't assume people can hear

  • Keep hands away from your mouth
  • Talk only when facing the audience (not to the board on the wall you are writing on)
  • Use microphone or amplifier when available; people don't always want to identify that they can't hear
  • Stand in the light so you can be easily seen

Don't assume people can see

  • Explain graphics or props: Although some presenters would disagree, it is recommended that you read all of your graphics and explain images or props. (This includes reading the text of your PowerPoint presentations.)
  • Provide handouts ahead of time
  • Pass around props if you're able, instead of just holding them up to see.
  • Have people identify themselves before speaking

Working with interpreters

General Rules

  • Ask the participants to wait until acknowledged before speaking to ensure that only one person speaks at a time
  • Repeat all questions, comments and answers