Connections to Neuroscience

2 hands, each holding a brain.  The left brain has IQ and the right brain has EQ
Connections to Neuroscience: Supporting Student Learning through their Well-Being.

Educators, are you looking to deepen your understanding of the connection between neuroscience and conceptual thinking? Look no further. Connections to Neuroscience: Supporting Student Learning through their Well-Being module explores the key topics that shape this fascinating connection. Discover how emotional engagement impacts learning.

This module will provide you a general understanding of neuroscience and the connection to SEL and conceptual thinking.


To learn more about the connections to neuroscience, SEL and conceptual thinking, explore the materials below; view the videos, follow the prompts and access the provided resources.

Navigating Neuroscience

View this video to dive into the world of neural plasticity, where you'll uncover the brain's remarkable ability to adapt and rewire itself. Uncover secrets of synaptic pruning, a process essential for refining neural pathways. Explore the realm of neurotransmitters and their role in shaping cognitive development. Discover how emotional engagement impacts learning. Finally, gain insights into the brain hemispheres and distinctive roles in conceptual thinking. (~ 6 minutes)


Explore the four articles below from Edutopia and then complete the reflection questions.

Reflection Questions

Executive Function

"Over the past several years, knowledge about executive functioning (EF) and executive function skill training has become a forefront topic in education. Why? Because sound executive function skills are essential for any student to excel in both the academic and social-emotional arenas." Everyday Executive Function Strategies: Improve Student Engagement, Self-Regulation, Behavior and Learning, p 4

  • View this video to learn more about executive function and metacognition. (~ 4 minutes)
  • View this video to learn more about some strategies that support executive function and metacognition. (~ 9 minutes)

  • Executive Function Strategies and Resources Padlet  
CASEL Framework Overview 

Watch the video below to learn about the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Framework. (~ 5 minutes)

Want to learn more about each of the CASEL 5 (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationships skills, and responsible decision-making)?

Explore the resources found on the CASEL webpage, What is the CASEL Framework?

Emotional Regulation


According to Fisher, Frey, and Smith, they view "social-emotional learning as a contextualized system of habits, dispositions, knowledge, skills, procedures, and policies that inform the way we work and learn together." The Social-Emotional Learning Playbook: A Guide to Student and Teacher Well-Being; p 3.

View this video to learn more about Emotional Regulation and strategies to support emotional regulation.  (~ 5 minutes)

Explore the resources below that support emotional regulation.

Resources and Next Steps
Connections to Neuroscience: Supporting Student Learning through their Well-Being

Resources used to support the development of this professional learning opportunity:

Next Steps for continued learning: