Vocational Rehabilitation

See Title 39-A M.R.S.A. § 217

The Board amended its Rules, effective September 1, 2018. To view changes to Vocational Rehabilitation, please see Chapter 6.

The following is a list of employment rehabilitation providers that have been appointed by the Board of Directors.

Employment Rehabilitation Providers- Updated 8/28/2024 (PDF)

Provider Application – Updated 3/11/2020 (fillable PDF)


Application for Evaluation Employment Rehabilitation Services Pursuant to 39-A M.R.S.A.  § 217(1) Updated 10/10/2023 (fillable PDF)

Application for Wage Credit Employment Rehabilitation Fund (fillable PDF)

Supplemental Benefits Fund

Any questions or concerns should be directed to Kimberlee McCarson via email at Kimberlee.McCarson@maine.gov .