Funds not immediately needed to pay state expenses are invested through the Treasurer's Cash Pool in commercial paper, obligations of the U.S. Government, CDs in Maine banks, money market mutual funds, corporate bonds, and repurchase agreements. The Cash Pool includes 116 funds, averaged more than $4.19 billion during FY 2024, and was managed with safety, liquidity, and yield in mind. More than $166 million in earnings from investments were distributed in Fiscal Year 2024 to participants in the Pool on a prorated basis.
Three long-term investments-the Governor Baxter Trust, Lands Reserved Trust, and the Common Trust-are managed through contracts with third-party investment managers. A trust committee led by the Treasurer provides policy advice and authorization for transactions.
Treasurer's Cash Pool Earnings, Rates and Balances
Monthly Investment Reports
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The following reports are in the PDF format, unless otherwise noted.