Standard Offer Bid Solicitation
Docket No. 2015-00266
For CMP and EME-BHE Small, Medium & Large; Service Starting on January 1, 2016
RFP Issued September 9, 2015; The Commission has set Tuesday, November 17, 2015 for final bids for standard offer service in the CMP service territory and Wednesday, November 18, 2015 for final bids for standard offer service for the Emera Maine service territory.
All bids are due by 9:30 AM (EPT).
Please submit bids to the Commission’s CMS using docket number 2015-00266 and email the bid prices in excel format to the following Commission Staff members:
Faith Huntington
Chris Cook
Instructions for submitting bids (Word)
The files below are posted in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Word files require either Microsoft Word or the free Word Viewer software. Microsoft Excel files require either Microsoft Excel or the free Excel Viewer.
Note: To receive documents in a different electronic format than provided below, please contact:
Contact Person: Faith Huntington, (207) 287-1373
UPDATE 10/20/2015: Notwitstanding the requirement in Section 1.1 of the RFP that Entitlement proposals that are linked to standard offer proposals must be for the entire package of Entitlements offered by the utility, a linked proposal for less than the entire Entitlement package will not be considered by the Commission to be a non-conforming bid.
See Prior Bid Solicitation Documents and Results