Class Details

September 12, 2023
Title: Work-Life Rhythm
Trainers: Northern Light Work Force EAP & Training
Date/Time: September 12, 2023, 10:00am - 11:00am

This workshop introduces "rhythm" as a healthy and workable approach to managing work and life. Rhythm emphasizes times on and times off. It enables us to better focus on our tasks and to be fully present both for our colleagues and our loved ones. Participants are invited to assess their own work-life rhythm and self-care profiles, learn how and why so many lose a healthy rhythm in times of stress, and how to keep a sustainable work-life rhythm over the course of their careers.

City: Microsoft Teams
Location: Microsoft Teams
Class ID: 240902 (Reference id: 9701712)
Maximum attendance: 20
Current class status:

*Enrolled Students

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*Waitlist Students

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(You will be contacted if an opening is available)

*Cancelled Students

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