Class Details

August 19, 2024
Title: 4 Hour Ethics
Restrictions: OADS
Trainers: David White
Date/Time: Monday August 19, 2024 8:00am-12:00pm
Hours: 4

Participants will review the NASW code of ethics, with an emphasis on recent updates. Small group work will look at personal values, ethical lenses and be given scenarios containing ethical dilemmas to work through using Models that will be covered in class.

City: Zoom
Location: Zoom
Class ID: 250802 (Reference id: 12190277)
Maximum attendance: 15
Current class status:

*Enrolled Students

ID Last Name First Name Agency Service Code
12190296 Student Student Agency Service
12192942 Student Student Agency Service
12287825 Student Student Agency Service
12338779 Student Student Agency Service
12362417 Student Student Agency Service
12371985 Student Student Agency Service
12380494 Student Student Agency Service
12389013 Student Student Agency Service
12408515 Student Student Agency Service
12422944 Student Student Agency Service
12425866 Student Student Agency Service
12720073 Student Student Agency Service
12757975 Student Student Agency Service
12757981 Student Student Agency Service
12778399 Student Student Agency Service
12796407 Student Student Agency Service

*Waitlist Students

ID Last Name First Name Agency TAMS Service Code
12557634 Student Student Agency Some ID Service
12766522 Student Student Agency Some ID Service
12786372 Student Student Agency Some ID Service
12796403 Student Student Agency Some ID Service
12799564 Student Student Agency Some ID Service
12876223 Student Student Agency Some ID Service
12895754 Student Student Agency Some ID Service

(You will be contacted if an opening is available)

*Cancelled Students

ID Last Name First Name Agency Service Code
12338780 Student Student Agency Service
12362418 Student Student Agency Service
12377664 Student Student Agency Service
12393000 Student Student Agency Service
12437504 Student Student Agency Service
12709476 Student Student Agency Service