Class Details

March 2, 2023
Title: Travel App Troubleshooting for DHHS Employees
Restrictions: dhhs
Trainers: Jamia Korth, Laurie Duffy and Amy Turner
Date/Time: March 2, 2023, 9:00-11:00am

This class is designed to assist employees with any of their TR #'s that they are having difficulties in getting approved. We will walk you through the issue and answer any questions pertaining to the TR # editing questions, policy questions, and anything else that may impede your ability to get your Travel Reimbursement approved to pay-out.
This class is not designed to be a walkthrough of the program. If that is what need, please sign up for either the New Hire Training or the Refresher Training.

City: Microsoft Teams
Location: Presented Via Microsoft Teams
Class ID: 240313 (Reference id: 10052885)
Maximum attendance: 100
Current class status:

*Enrolled Students

ID Last Name First Name Agency Service Code

*Waitlist Students

ID Last Name First Name Agency TAMS Service Code

(You will be contacted if an opening is available)

*Cancelled Students

ID Last Name First Name Agency Service Code