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Green Your Home

Whether you rent or own, you can start taking actions to use less fossil fuels in your home today. From simple and affordable adjustments to long term solutions, these actions will boost your home’s energy efficiency and comfort - and even save you money. Some steps are so simple they may surprise you.

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Reduce Your Energy Use

Making small adjustments to reduce your home’s energy consumption can have major positive climate impacts - and save money along the way. Here are a few steps:

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Upgrading to highly efficient electronic appliances and heating/cooling systems significantly reduces your home’s energy use for years to come. Plus, many electric appliances, such as ENERGYSTAR, offer rebates. Efficiency Maine’s appliance solutions and heat pump guides are great places to discover the best options for your home, find rebates, tax incentives and more.

Icon of a solar panel and a wind turbine

Switch to Renewables

Maine spends more than $4 billion every year on fossil fuels from out of state. Clean and renewable energy solutions can help keep your energy dollars in Maine. Learn about how you can switch to Maine-made renewable energy sources like solar electricity and solar hot water, community solar, geothermal systems, high-efficiency wood stoves, and more.

Icon of a home with a picket fence

Green Your Yard

We’ve got your back(yard) covered with tips on composting, making your yard climate impact resilient and choosing energy-efficient landscaping equipment.