Initiative to Streamline and Prioritize Core Government Services per 2011 Public Law, Chapter 380, Part KKK.
Streamlining Memorandum (DOC) dated July 22, 2011
Streamlining Proposal Template (DOC)
Streamlining Proposals Details (XLS)
November 28, 2011 Task Force Meeting Minutes (draft) (DOC)
November 8, 2011 Task Force Meeting Minutes (DOC)
October 28, 2011 Task Force Meeting Minutes (DOC)
October 6, 2011 Task Force Meeting Minutes (DOC)
September 15, 2011 Task Force Meeting Minutes (DOC)
August 11, 2011 Task Force Meeting Minutes (DOC)
Streamlining Task Force Meeting - 11/28/2011
Future Meetings of the Streamlining Task Force
The Streamline and Prioritize Core Government Services Task Force completed their work on 11/28/2011 and did not schedule additional meetings. The Task Force will submit a report of its findings and recommendations and implementing legislation to the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs by the December 15, 2011 deadline as required in Public Law 2011, c. 380 Part KKK-6.
Public Proposals
Summary of Public Proposals as of 11/23/2011
Final Report of the Task Force to Streamline and Prioritize Core Government Services
- Final Report (DOC) (MS-Word, 78KB)
- Appendix A - Agency Targets (XLS) (Excel, 19KB)
- Appendix B Final Votes (XLS) (Excel, 46KB)
- Appendix C - Draft Streamlining Bill (PDF) (PDF, 711KB)
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