- Federal Grants and Awards Received
- Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF)
- CRF-Funded Grants for non-State Government entities
- Other Federal COVID-19 Assistance (Non-CRF)
- State of Maine’s Quarterly Reports to U.S. Department of Treasury on CRF
- Federal COVID-19 Legislation
- U.S. Department of Treasury CRF Guidance Documents
Federal Grants and Awards Received
The federal government has provided state-level financial assistance for the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in various forms as authorized in several pieces of federal legislation. The forms of assistance include grants awarded to the State of Maine government, grants awarded to entities within the State, relief payments made directly from the federal government to private entities, Paycheck Protection Program loans received by businesses and other loans. Detail on the federal assistance available and received can be found here: Federal Grant Awards Available through COVID-19 Legislation (PDF).
Federal COVID-19 Financial Assistance Available to Maine as of March 1, 2021 | ||
Amount | % of Total | |
Total authorized funds* | $10,090,152,078 | |
Assistance Awarded to/Passed through State Government** | $3,660,592,169 | 36.3% |
Assistance Awarded Directly to Others | $6,003,803,822 | 59.5% |
Unknown method of distribution at this time | $425,756,087 | 4.2% |
* Does not include Federal Emergency Management Agency Public Assistance
** Includes $1.25 billion in Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF)
The financial assistance awarded to State government includes $1.25 billion in Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) included in the CARES Act that is being administered by the Governor’s Office with the support of the Department of Administrative and Financial Services. The other federal COVID-19 financial assistance awarded to, or passed through, State government is in the form of grants awarded directly to relevant State agencies and is being administered by those agencies.
Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF)
On April 17, 2020, the State of Maine received $1.25 billion in Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) as authorized by the federal CARES Act. These funds are being administered by the Governor’s Office with the support of the Department of Administrative and Financial Services (DAFS).
Detail on the Governor’s commitments for CRF can be found here:
Commitments for the Use of Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) as of 3-15-21 (PDF)
Commitments for the Use of Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) as of 3-15-21 (XLSX)
Commitments for the Use of Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) as of 12-9-20 (XLS)
CRF funds passed through to other entities
A distribution of the current CRF commitments and obligations by sector is illustrated below:
Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) by Sector as of March 15, 2021 | |||
Sector | Funds Committed | Total Expended or Encumbered | % |
Business Community | $563,391,250 | $552,195,439 | 45% |
Citizen Support | $60,042,954 | $54,331,561 | 5% |
Health Care Businesses | $999,500 | $26,503,034 | 0% |
Higher Education | $16,069,114 | $4,947,454 | 1% |
Municipal Governments | $13,000,000 | $12,801,261 | 1% |
Municipal Governments & Others | $35,000,000 | $4,559,675 | 3% |
Schools K-12 | $364,775,530 | $352,458,368 | 29% |
State Government | $187,267,068 | $153,720,905 | 15% |
Unobligated | $9,454,584 | $0 | 1% |
Grand Total | $1,250,000,000 | $1,161,517,697 | 100% |
Requests for CRF assistance from State agencies or non-governmental entities are reviewed for eligibility under the guidance issued by the U.S. Treasury Department. The Governor determines whether to commit CRF for requested eligible uses. Commitments are implemented through Financial Orders approved by the Governor which establish an agency's authorized spending limit for the stated purpose.
CRF Financial Orders Listing by Sector (PDF)
CRF Quarterly Federal Reports to the U.S. Treasury Department
CRF Financial Orders, in order by date approved (PDF)
CRF-Funded Grants for Non-State Government Entities
CRF funds have been used to support several grant or other reimbursement opportunities for non-State government entities.
Economic Recovery Grants:
This program provides grants for businesses and non-profit organizations that demonstrate a need for financial relief based on lost revenues or expenses related to the disruption of business operations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Maine Economic Recovery Grants Program Guidelines and Eligibility
Economic Recovery Grants Awarded (Phase I) (PDF)
Economic Recovery Grants Awarded (Phase I) (XLS)
Economic Recovery Grants Awarded (Phase II) (PDF)
Economic Recovery Grants Awarded (Phase II) (XLS)
Maine Health Care Financial Relief Grants Awarded (PDF)
Maine Health Care Financial Relief Grants Awarded (XLS)
Maine Tourism, Hospitality & Retail Recovery Grants Awarded (PDF)
Maine Tourism, Hospitality & Retail Recovery Grants Awarded (XLS)
Department of Agriculture Conservation and Forestry (DACF) Infrastructure Grants Awarded (PDF)
Department of Agriculture Conservation and Forestry (DACF) Infrastructure Grants Awarded (XLS)
Educational Grants:
Funds have provided immediate and critical funding for time-sensitive procurement of specific resources that allowed eligible schools to plan and implement thoughtful strategies to ensure a safe and timely reopening of Maine schools.
Educational Grants Guidance and Eligibility (PDF)
Educational Grants Awarded (PDF)
Educational Grants Awarded (XLS)
Department of Health and Human Services Grants:
These grants provide funds to Maine’s Community Action Programs to assist with safe quarantine and isolation for patient safety and for preventing transmission of the virus and funds to encourage community-based organizations to implement their own COVID-19 prevention, education and support plans.
Health Equity Grant Overview (PDF)
Health Equity Grants Awarded (PDF)
Health Equity Grants Awarded (XLS)
Municipal Grants:
These grants provide funding to promote public education and public health activities, and provide assistance to businesses to help them follow COVID-19 best practices.
Municipality Grants Overview(PDF)
Municipal Grants Awarded (PDF)
Municipal Grants Awarded (XLS)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Match:
Funds provided to assist municipalities, tribal governments, and other entities that qualify for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) assistance, to provide the 25% match for eligible COVID-19 expenses.
CRF 25% Local Match on FEMA Overview and Guidance (PDF)
FEMA Match Grants Awarded (PDF)
FEMA Match Grants Awarded (XLS)
Other Federal COVID-19 Assistance (Non-CRF)
In addition to the $1.25 billion of Coronavirus Relief Funds, State of Maine departments and agencies are administering federal assistance in the form of grants awarded directly to those agencies through one of the pieces of federal legislation passed for COVID-related relief. In some cases the funding is awarded for State costs, but in other cases the State is a pass through for funding being distributed to non-State government entities. Each State department and agency is responsible for the federal reporting associated with the grants it has received.
For more details on the specific grants and how the funds have been distributed:
Summary of the Distribution of Funds (Non-CRF) (PDF)
Summary of the Distribution of Funds (Non-CRF) (XLS)
Financial Orders Approved by the Governor (Non-CRF) (PDF)
State of Maine’s Quarterly Reports to U.S. Department of Treasury on CRF
Cycle 1 Report (3/1/20-6/30/20) (PDF)
Cycle 2 Report (7/1/20-9/30/20) (PDF)
Cycle 3 Report - Part 1 (10/1/2020-12/31/2020) (PDF)
Cycle 3 Report - Part 2 (10/1/2020-12/31/2020) (PDF)
Cycle 3 Report - Part 3 (10/1/2020-12/31/2020) (PDF)
Cycle 3 Report - Part 4 (10/1/2020-12/31/2020) (PDF)
Federal COVID-19 Legislation
Coronavirus Preparedness & Response Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 116-123) (PDF)
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (P.L. 116-127) (PDF)
Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act – CARES (P.L. 116-136)
Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act (P.L. 116-139) (PDF)
U.S. Department of Treasury CRF Guidance Documents
The US Treasury Department issued initial guidance on eligible uses and reporting requirements for states’ use of the Coronavirus Relief Funds. Subsequent guidance has been provided in the form of FAQs posted on US Treasury’s website that are periodically updated with new or clarifying guidance.
Coronavirus Relief Fund Recipient Reporting Record Keeping Requirements (7/2/20) (PDF)
Coronavirus Relief Fund Reporting Requirements Update (7/31/20) (PDF)
Coronavirus Relief Fund Frequently Asked Questions (10/19/20) (PDF)