Class Details

July 27, 2022
Title: Plain Language
Trainers: Bonnie Tracy
Date/Time: July 27, 2022 9:00am-12:00pm

Plain Language is an initiative put forth by the Federal government to increase the readability and comprehension of the communications we issue for the public. In this training, we will explore Plain Language best practices for writing letters, composing email, designing brochures, and generating websites. As a result of this training, participants will be able to .... * Use plain language in written communications * Use pronouns to personalize communication to the audience * Organize material for reader clarity * Avoid use of jargon * Limit length of sentences and paragraphs * Omit needless words * Use question headings to aid readers in finding what they need

City: Microsoft Teams
Location: Microsoft Teams
Class ID: 230702 (Reference id: 7137926)
Maximum attendance: 40
Current class status:

*Enrolled Students

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*Waitlist Students

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*Cancelled Students

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