Class Details

October 27, 2021
Title: Family Team Meetings... Getting Back to Basics
Restrictions: ocfs
Trainers: Steph Wiken, Linda Morin; Policy & Training Unit
Date/Time: October 27, 2021 9:00am - 3:00pm
Hours: 5

This one-day training for OCFS staff will promote a broader understanding of the core values, purposes, and strategies when planning with families and facilitating their Family Team Meetings. Participants will focus on engaging with families during the critical planning activities before a meeting, explore their role as facilitator of the meeting, and practice using the information elicited from the Structured Decision Making Tools in creating useful and relevant Family Plans as a guide for families during the Department's involvement. Throughout the training, learners will have the opportunity to consider potentially difficult situations that could arise during Family Team Meetings and brainstorm strategies to manage them and ensure the best possible outcome of the meeting for families that promotes safety, permanency and well-being.

City: Via Zoom
Location: Zoom
Class ID: 221023 (Reference id: 5487488)
Maximum attendance: 30
Current class status:

*Enrolled Students

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*Waitlist Students

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(You will be contacted if an opening is available)

*Cancelled Students

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