Class Details

September 21, 2021
Title: Legal Training
Restrictions: ocfs
Trainers: David Hathaway, AAG
Date/Time: September 21, 2021 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Hours: 5

Presented by David Hathaway, AAG: The training begins by discussing substantiated, indicated and unsubstantiated findings. The training moves into case flow focusing on law and procedure during each part of a case. Petition writing is explained, getting ready for court and discovery is reviewed. Factual documentation is stressed throughout the training. The various types of hearings are explained from initial court action to TPR, how to prepare for court and how to prepare to testify.

City: Zoom
Location: Presented via Zoom
Class ID: 220908 (Reference id: 4179384)
Maximum attendance: 30
Current class status:

*Enrolled Students

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*Waitlist Students

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(You will be contacted if an opening is available)

*Cancelled Students

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