Class Details

August 22, 2019
Title: Travel App Refresher
Restrictions: dhhs
Trainers: Jamia Korth
Date/Time: August 22, 2019 9:00am - 12:00pm
Hours: 3

This class is intended for DHHS workers who have used the APP and need some additional help. If you have questions, are not sure if you are filling out your vouchers correctly or want help, please attend this class. Please bring your laptop to address specific issues. This class can be attended via SKYPE.

City: Augusta
Location: DHHS 109 Capitol St
Class ID: C5058 (Reference id: 1278411)
Maximum attendance: 15
Current class status:

*Enrolled Students

ID Last Name First Name Agency Service Code

*Waitlist Students

ID Last Name First Name Agency TAMS Service Code

(You will be contacted if an opening is available)

*Cancelled Students

ID Last Name First Name Agency Service Code