Class Details

April 3, 2019
Title: Progressive Discipline Refresher
Restrictions: dhhs-supervisors
Trainers: Kate Wentworth, Lead EEO Coordinator
Date/Time: April 3, 2019 9am - 12pm
Hours: 3

Managers and supervisors are responsible for the production and quality of the work of staff in their units. This training will update you on the intent of Progressive Discipline within employee contracts and the steps of progressive discipline. The difference between misconduct and performance management is explained. Hands on practice with case examples that illustrate appropriate responses to employees not meeting performance expectations is provided. Practice in confronting employees on unacceptable behaviors and poor work output is facilitated

City: Augusta
Location: DHHS 2 Anthony Ave Pine Tree Room
Class ID: C4049 (Reference id: 1082514)
Maximum attendance: 15
Current class status:

*Enrolled Students

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*Waitlist Students

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(You will be contacted if an opening is available)

*Cancelled Students

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