Financial Well-Being December 2019
26 & 52 Week Money Challenge
According to Forbes, financial wellness is measured by a combination of factors including the overall satisfaction with our current financial situation, actual financial behaviors (i.e., budgeting, saving, debt reduction), financial attitudes, financial knowledge, and objective financial status. Financial Finesse further defines financial wellness as a state of well-being where an individual has achieved minimal financial stress, established a strong financial foundation, and created an ongoing plan to help reach future financial goals.
Join The 52 Week Money Challenge! It is an incremental savings plan that will help you save money throughout the year. The concept is simple: start the year off by saving a dollar the first week, and then put away an additional dollar each week after that. At the end of 52 weeks, you'll save $1,378!

If 52 weeks is too long? Try the 26 week money challenge……