Natural and Working Lands Working Group--Local Food Subgroup

9:00a.m. to 9:05a.m. -- Welcome and introductions

9:05a.m. to 9:25a.m. -- Review strategies against Meeting 1 findings

9:25a.m. to 9:40a.m. -- Drivers of consumer choice

9:40a.m. to 9:55a.m. -- Primer on cooperative models

9:55a.m. to 10:35a.m. -- Breakout Group 1: fleshing out strategies

10:35a.m. to 10:40a.m. -- Break

10:40a.m to 11:20a.m. -- Breakout Group 2: further work on strategies

11:20a.m. to 11:40a.m. -- Strategy comments

11:40a.m. to 11:50a.m. -- Public comment

Natural and Working Lands Working Group--Forest Carbon Subgroup

See attached meeting materials for agenda

To request interpretation services (American Sign Language) or spoken language interpretation services (Somali, Arabic, French, Spanish, Chinese-Mandarin, Khmer, Russian, Vietnamese, Portuguese) for this meeting, or to request other accommodations, please email

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About the Maine Climate Council

On June 26, 2019, Governor Janet Mills and Legislature created the Maine Climate Council, an assembly of scientists, industry leaders, bipartisan local and state officials, and engaged citizens to develop a four-year plan to address the impacts of climate change on Maine, build resiliency to climate effects, and meet state statutory targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The plan was delivered to Governor Mills on December 1, 2020. By law, the Council must deliver an updated plan by December 1, 2024.

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