Coastal and Marine Working Group--Fisheries/Aquaculture Subgroup

The purpose of this meeting will be for the Fisheries and Aquaculture Subgroup to prepare for the upcoming Coastal and Marine Working Group meeting on Tuesday, April 23rd. Small group members will be discussing their in-progress strategies, recommendations, and actions with a specific focus on addressing plans for and feasibility of implementation. This is a chance to provide feedback on funding, research, or other supports needed to take the developed recommendations and make them reality.


Maine Climate Council Coastal & Marine Working Group

9:00a.m. to 9:15a.m. -- Welcome + agenda

9:15a.m. to 10:15a.m. -- Listening and Learning session; Understanding how DMR is Thinking About Climate Change Impacts to Fisheries

10:15a.m. to 10:45a.m. -- Adapting to Climate Change; Industry Perspectives and Challenges

10:45a.m. to 11:10a.m. -- Brief subcommittee updates

11:10a.m. to 11:20a.m. -- Public comment period

11:20a.m. to 12:00p.m. -- Outline next steps for the Working Group

12:00p.m. -- Adjourn


Maine Climate Council Coastal & Marine Working Group

•    9:00 AM: Welcome
•    9:10 AM: Engaging with Priority Populations, UMaine (TBD)
•    9:50 AM: Eelgrass Monitoring Work, DEP (TBD
•    10:15 AM: Brief Subcommittee Updates
•    10:50 AM: Public Input
•    11:00 PM: Subcommittee Breakouts
•    12:00 PM: Adjourn

*Working Group and Subcommi6ee meeting materials are publicly available on a shared folder:


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