Pozner on Cross: The Chapter Method of Cross Examination (CLE)

Date: July 19, 2024 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Host: PDS
Credits: 6
Cost: Free
Location: Talbot Hall at the University of Southern Maine, 85 Bedford St. Portland, ME 04101
Registration: Register using the webform below

[Download the Flyer Here]

Summary: One day, one  speaker, one method, leading to career-long advantages.

Rarely can we say that someone “wrote the book” on a subject.  Even more unusual is a book that changes a profession.  In this program both are true.  Larry Pozner has long been recognized as America’s authority on modern cross-examination.  Pozner’s book Cross Examination: Science and Techniques (Lexis 3rd edition 2018, Pozner and Dodd) and his resulting seminar Pozner on Cross: the Chapter Method revolutionized our profession’s view of the purposes and methods of modern cross.

Pozner on Cross: The Chapter Method, is an innovative and highly entertaining program which immerses trial lawyers in the most powerful and modern techniques of drafting and delivering winning cross-examinations. For more than 25 years this ever-evolving seminar has been America’s best-attended trial techniques program. Pozner on Cross: The Chapter Method builds on principles of neuroscience and behavioral psychology to fashion the most reliable and advanced techniques of cross. 

Admission Restrictions: To attend this training, you must be eligible to accept MCILS case assignments.

Registration: Register here. Space is limited, so register as soon as possible. 

Cost: Free!

CLE: This training is pending approval by the Maine Board of Overseers for 6 hours CLE credit. It has also been approved for MCILS CLE credit and is eligible for payment in accordance with Chapter 301-A.

PDS will provide lunch at this training. We will make every effort to accomodate commen dietary restrictions. Do you have any of the following dietary restrictions?

Food Selection

I certify that I am currently eligible to receive PDS case assignments (other than non-eligibility due to caseload limits), or am a student currently enrolled at Maine Law. 

I certify that I plan to attend this training. I understand that space is limited and that PDS incurs food costs for each person who registers to attend. If I am unable to attend, I will immediately notify PDS via email to darcy.fisher@maine.gov so that someone from the waitlist may be invited to attend.