AUGUSTA – Following disclosure of the details of the domestic violence charges against Rep. Lucas Lanigan, this morning, House Majority Leader Mo Terry, D-Gorham, and Assistant Majority Leader Kristen Cloutier, D-Lewiston, issued the following statement calling for Lanigan’s immediate resignation:
“We are stunned, dismayed and horrified by the details of the charges against Rep. Lucas Lanigan that were disclosed in an affidavit from the Sanford Police Department. Domestic violence of any kind is unacceptable. These grievously serious allegations demonstrate that Rep. Lanigan is clearly unfit to continue serving as a state representative. We concur with Speaker Talbot Ross’ call for his resignation, and hope that he takes it upon himself to do the right thing. We also call upon Minority Leader Faulkingham and Assistant Minority Leader Arata to join us in this call for his resignation. The people of Maine deserve to be represented by individuals with integrity, and Rep. Lanigan’s actions are not commensurate with the position he currently holds.”
Brian Lee [Terry, Cloutier,], 305-965-2744