Home → Reps. Moonen, Gramlich Issue Statements On Governor Mills’ Budget Proposal

Reps. Moonen, Gramlich issue statements on Governor Mills’ budget proposal

AUGUSTA – House Majority Leader Matt Moonen, D-Portland, and Assistant Majority Leader Lori K. Gramlich, D-Old Orchard Beach, released the following statements in response to the biennial budget proposal unveiled by Gov. Janet Mills today:  

House Majority Leader Matt Moonen:  

“This budget proposal from Governor Mills preserves many of the critical investments Democrats have made for Maine families and communities over the last few legislatures, including funding to maintain municipal revenue sharing, sustain access to health care, and build more affordable housing. It also makes free community college for Maine high school students permanent, giving more young people an opportunity to get the skills they need to be successful in today’s workforce,” said Moonen. “This proposal will provide an important starting point for the budget committee as it begins the hard work of crafting a final proposal in the coming weeks and months, which will also include input from the public. House Democrats remain committed to passing a balanced budget that protects the investments we’ve made and makes life better for Maine families.”  

Assistant Majority Leader Lori K. Gramlich:  

We appreciate the administration's hard work in crafting this thoughtful budget proposal, which includes many initiatives that align with our caucus's priorities, such as providing free breakfast and lunch for all K-12 students to ensure no child in Maine goes hungry at school,” said Gramlich. “Mainers have made it clear that they are struggling with the rising cost of living, and I’m confident that House Democrats will continue to fight for a budget that truly delivers for the people of Maine and makes their lives a little easier. I’m also eager to collaborate with the administration and my colleagues to build on the progress we've made in strengthening our state’s behavioral health care system, particularly in children’s mental health and prevention. At the same time, we must continue to support Mainers with intellectual disabilities, ensuring more people can access the care they need affordably.” 


Brian Lee (Moonen, Gramlich) | 305-965-2744