FY Temporary Work Program


SUBJECT:  Temporary Work Programs for Fiscal Year 2013-14, General Information and Instructions

DATE: June 26, 2013

TO: All Departments and Agencies

FROM: Melissa L. Gott, State Budget Officer, Bureau of the Budget

Accompanying this memorandum is a Statewide Appropriations/Allocations report in PDF format for the Financial Order below.   

Temporary Work Program Financial Order 001630 F4

This order implements the fiscal year 2013-14 Temporary work program with actions approved in Public Law 2013, c. 368 and Public Law 2013, c. 354 the Unified General Fund and Other Funds and the Unified Highway Fund and Other Funds budget bills.

To distribute authorized budget amounts electronically using the Budget and Financial Management System (BFMS), select the Annual button on the Main Menu, select 2014 from the Year drop down, select the appropriate department or agency from the Umbrella drop down in the Annual work program Selection window, select Statewide Financial Orders and click the Select button.  In the Statewide Financial Order Summary window, select the record for the financial order reflected above.  Please distribute amounts to the first quarter only, using one object code for each line category.  Detailed budget distribution will be forthcoming in the release of the traditional work program.

Departments and agencies may print a Statewide Financial Order expenditures report by selecting Reports and Annual from the drop down menu, selecting Statewide Financial Orders and clicking the Open button.  A copy of this report, generated at the Umbrella level, must be signed by the department or agency head and forwarded to the Bureau of the Budget. 

The deadline for completion and filing is Friday, June 28, 2013 at 12:00 noon.  If you are not able to meet this deadline please contact your Budget Analyst immediately.  Please contact your Budget Analyst if you have any questions or need assistance.