Creeping Charlie—Glechoma hederacea

Also known as Ground Ivy, Creeping Jenny, Gill–over–the–ground

A member of the mint family, this perennial herb spreads by seeds, rhizomes (horizontal underground stems) and creeping stems to form a dense mat in lawns and gardens. It thrives in moist, shady spots, such as under trees and shrubs, but will spread out into sunny sections of a lawn as well.

creeping charlie
Stems are square. Leaves are bright green to dark green to purplish, and shiny, with palmate veins.

young creeping charlie
Roots grow from each leaf node, creeping along the soil surface.

flowering creeping charlie
Light blue to bluish-purple funnel-shaped flowers bloom from April to June. When the plant is crushed it produces a strong mint-like odor.

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[Photos, left to right: Ohio State Weed Lab Archive, The Ohio State University,; Ohio State Weed Lab Archive, The Ohio State University,; Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,]