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OPEGA Work Plan for 2013 - 2014

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General Scope

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In Progress

Expected End Date

Health Care in Corrections System: Formal Follow-up Review
Dept. of Corrections
Assessment of prisoner and resident health care concerns being reported to advocacy organization.
End 2014
Office of Information Technology
Dept of Admin and Financial Services
Follow-up to monitor OIT goals and action plans for improvements in project management, disaster recovery and business coninuity, and supporting the State's data and information needs.
Riverview Psychiatric Center
Dept. of Health and Human Services
Planning / Fieldwork
Assessment of reporting avenues for staff and patients; response to reports of incidents and professional concerns; data and performance metrics reported by RPC to oversight entities; and other potential areas of concern.
Sprecial Project: Tax Expenditure Programs Phase II
As established by Resolve Chapter 115 (LD 1463), develop proposal for implementing ongoing Legislative review of tax expenditure programs for consideration by Taxation Committee. Proposal to include classifiction and schedule for tax expenditure reviews, evaluation parameters and review criteria, data and data sources, options for stakeholder and public comment, assessment of resources needed and suggested revisions to statute.
State Lottery
DAFS Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations
Expenses of the State Lottery and extent to which they are controlled and minimized; monitoring of adherence to key provisions of the Lottery System Gaming Contract; governance and oversight of State Lottery; Legislative intent for Lottery revenues; and Lottery considerations for decisions on game offerings and marketing.



DHHS Audit Functions
Dept of Health and Human Services
  Effectiveness of DHHS audit functions in identifying and addressing fraud, waste and abuse in programs administered by the Department.
Public Utilities Commission
Public Utilities Commission
  Assessment of extent to which the PUC independently assesses risks and costs associated with ensuring safe, reasonable and adequate electrical services.


Healthy Maine Partnerships' FY13 Contracts and Funding
Dept of Health and Human Services - MeCDC
Process used to score HMPs; process and decisions related to selecting lead HMP agencies and determining HMP funding levels; and maintenance of documentation supporting HMP scoring and related decisions.
Dec, 2013
Maine Economic Improvement Fund
University of Maine System
Degree to which legislative intent for the program is being met including description of funded projects and how they are aligned with targeted technologies/research areas defined in statute.
June, 2014
Maine State Housing Authority: Energy Assistance Programs
Results achieved in the Weatherization Program and the effectiveness and efficiency of LIHEAP program administration.
July, 2013
Public Utilities Commission
Accessibility, efficiency and effectiveness of PUC processes available to citizens for pursuing concerns regarding regulated utilities, including PUC's effectiveness in ensuring utility compliance with PUC orders.
Sept., 2013
Sprecial Project: Tax Expenditure Programs
Analysis and categorization of existing tax expenditure programs and subsequent development of a proposed framework for on-going legislative review and evaluation of tax expenditure programs.
Special Project: Technical Assistance for Education Committee Contracted Study of Education Funding

OPEGA provided technical assistance with development and issuance of RFP, selection of consultant, and monitoring of consultant progress and contract deliverables.




DHHS Licensing and Regulation of Child Care Providers Dep. of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Licensing and Regulatory Services
Preliminary Research
Staffing and other resources for licensing and regulation of child care providers; policies, procedures and practices related to identified issues and complaints against providers.
DHHS Workplace Culture and Environment
Dept of Health and Human Services
Preliminary Research
Workplace culture and environment within DHHS, including management behavior and treatment of employees, and whether it is conducive to recruiting, retaining and engaging capable, knowledgeable and motivated employees.