Ready-to-Feed or Pre-Prepared Formulas

The USDA Food and Nutrition Service determined that all WIC formulas must be issued in powder or concentrated liquid forms unless:

  • The participant's household has unsanitary or restricted water supply or poor refrigeration.
  • The person caring for the infant is unable to correctly dilute the concentrated or powder form.
  • The formula is only available in ready-to-feed form.

Forspecial medical /prescription formulas only, RTF may also be used if:

  • It better accommodates the infant or child's condition.
  • It improves the likelihood that the infant/child will consume the formula.

Pre-prepared added starch formulas can be made available for infants with severe gastroesophageal reflux through Maine WIC in the special situation where a child's caregiver is unable to correctly mix and thicken the formula with cereal.

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