Opportunity for Comment

Draft DEP General Permits Discharge of Waste Snow

Comment deadline: June 10, 2019

Please take notice that, pursuant to 38 M.R.S. §§ 413 and 414-A, 06-096 CMR 2 and 06-096 CMR 529, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (Department) intends to issue two General Permit renewals (one for surface water and one for ground water) for the discharge of pollutants contained within snow to certain estuarine or marine waters of the State and to the surface of the earth and the underlying ground waters of the State. The General Permits will cover the entire State of Maine. Coverage under the General Permit is contingent upon Department acceptance of a Notice of Intent (NOI) form from each applicant. The General Permit will be issued for a five-year term.

The Department has not scheduled a public hearing on the proposed draft General Permits. Persons wishing to request a public hearing or wishing to request that the Board of Environmental Protection assume jurisdiction over renewal of the General Permits may do so during the 30-day public comment period. Requests must state the nature of the issues(s) to be raised. Any correspondence must include the commenter's name, and affiliation if representing an organization.

Please send questions, comments, requests for public hearing or for BEP jurisdiction no later than 5:00 pm, June 10, 2019 to:
Cindy Dionne
Division of Water Quality Management
Bureau of Water Quality
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
17 State House Station, Augusta, ME. 04333-0017
E-mail: cindy.l.dionne@maine.gov
Telephone: 207-287-7823

Draft General Permit Discharge of Waste Snow To Ground Waters
Draft General Permit Discharge of Waste Snow to Certain Estuarine or Marine Waters