Air Pollution Meteorology

The Air Pollution Meteorology Section's primary responsibilities are to evaluate the air quality impacts of emissions from local sources and out-of-state sources contributing to long-range transport, to produce technical analyses of existing air quality problems and alternative control strategies, to produce daily air quality forecasts for the public, and provide meteorological assistance to the Bureau of Air Quality.

Permit Air Quality Modeling - provides information on the requirements for air dispersion modeling analyses and links to the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) air dispersion modeling guidance.

Wind Information - provides information about winds in Maine including site-specific windrose availability.

Air Quality Forecasting - provides current air quality forecasts and information on the related health impacts. In addition, the site contains current air quality and historical air quality data as well as air quality trends.

Regional Haze - provides information on Regional Haze and links to data, analyses and Regional Planning Organizations.