June 22, 2004 Earthquake in Central Maine

Weston Observatory reports that an earthquake occurred at 6:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Tuesday, June 22, 2004 northeast of Dover-Foxcroft. It was felt in Brownville and Brownville Junction.

The following parameters have been calculated for the earthquake:

Magnitude 2.0 Mn
Location 45 deg 13.2 min North latitude; 69 deg 7.2 min West longitude
Depth shallow (about 9 km)
This places the epicenter in Sebec, about 6 miles northeast of Dover-Foxcroft and about 7 miles west of Brownville.

Further Information:

The Canadian Seismic Network hourly plot for 10:00 UTC (or 6:00 a.m. EDT) shows signals were recorded by instruments in eastern Canada from 10:18 to 10:21.

June 22, 2004 hourly plot of seismic activity from the Canadian Seismic Network.

The Maine Geological Survey has received six reports through its on-line questionnaire from people who felt the earthquake in Brownville and one in Brownville Junction. Six of the reports indicate Modified Mercalli Intensities of III. The report from Brownville nearest the epicenter indicates Intensity IV. The most common effect was a loud bang or boom noise, accompanied by a definite vibration. Some doors and windows shook. No damage was reported.

Last updated on October 6, 2005