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Gold Star Family License Plates

On June 7, 2011, Public Law Chapter 246 was enacted by the First Regular Session of the 125th Legislature which established the Gold Star Family License Plate.
To be eligible for the Gold Star Family License plate, the family member must have received a Gold Star Lapel Button (purple background) from the casualty branch of service jurisdiction, or be eligible to receive a Gold Star Lapel Button from the federal government. The Gold Star Lapel Button signifies that the service member was killed-in-action or died in a combat theater of operations.

A picture of the Lapel Button is displayed on the license plate.
If you did not receive a Gold Star Lapel Button (purple background) as shown above and feel you are eligible for one, please click the link below for an application, DD Form 3, to apply to the appropriate branch of service.
Distinguishing Between Gold Star Lapel Pins and Next of Kin Lapel Pins
You may wish to click the link below to the "Remembering the Fallen Honoring their Survivors", which provides details on the difference in eligibilty criteria between the Gold Star Lapel Pin (a gold star on a purple circular background) and the Next of Kin Lapel Pin (a gold star on a gold background).
Remembering the Fallen Honoring their Survivors poster (PDF)

On October 15, 2015, the 127th Legislature enacted Public Law Chapter 17, LD 173, "An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Gold Star Family Registration Plate."
This bill provides for issuance of gold star family registration plates (with a gold star on a gold background insignia) for family members, including grandparents, of a person who dies while honorably serving as an active member of the United States Armed Forces who did not fit the gold star lapel button guidelines established in 10 United States Code, Section 1126 (2010).
Specifically, the law allows family members to receive a Gold Star license plate for service members who died while on active duty, but not in combat. The bill also provides the issuance of gold star family registration plates for those who are newly eligible.
As of 2019, holders of Gold Star Family vehicle registration plates are exempt from vehicle registration fees, and are also eligible to receive a complimentary license to hunt, trap and fish, from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
Gold Star Family Vanity Registration Plates
Public Law Chapter 17, LD 173 also authorizes the issuance of gold star family vanity registration plates. The "GS" class code will be used for both plates. The new plate will have a slightly different graphic, and will be segregated by the numbering system. The vanity plates are authorized up to 5 characters.
Please see the back of the application form for more details on eligibility criteria.
Application form (MS Word)
Application form (PDF)
Survivor Outreach Services
Information on Maine's Survivor Outreach Services may be provided by contacting:
Michael Beane
Survivor Outreach Services Support Coordinator
Tel: 207-430-5959
Cell: 207-332-6804
Fax: 207-430-4218