State of Maine

Rule Chapters for the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry

Chapters available for downloading are highlighted. All chapters for this Department are formatted in Microsoft Word unless otherwise indicated.

WARNING: While we have taken care with the accuracy of the files accessible here, they are not "official" state rules in the sense that they can be used before a court. Anyone who needs a certified copy of a rule chapter should contact the APA Office.

We also offer advice if you're having trouble trying to view these chapters.

01-001: Agriculture - General
01-013: Maine Potato Marketing Committee (statutory authority repealed)
01-015: Maine Milk Commission
01-017: Maine State Harness Racing Commission
01-019: Soil and Water Conservation Commission (repealed; see 01-001 Chapters 801 - 806)
01-020: Maine Agricultural Bargaining Board
01-026: Board of Pesticides Control
01-303: Pull Events Commission
01-669: Maine Forest Service
01-670: Bureau of Parks and Lands
01-672: Land Use Planning Commission
04-056: Conservation - General (moved to 01-670)
04-058: Maine Forest Service (moved to 01-669)
04-059: Bureau of Parks and Lands (moved to 01-670)
04-061: Land Use Planning Commission (moved to 01-672)
04-063: Bureau of Public Lands (obsolete; chapters transferred to 01-670, chapters 51 - 54)
Rules relocated to Agriculture from the former State Planning Office

01 001 Agriculture - General Ch. 1 Rules of Procedure Governing Pesticide Hearings (Note: Chapter 1 a joint rule with 01-026.) Ch. 2 Rules for Adoption of Market Orders Affecting Agricultural Commodities Ch. 3 Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program Ch. 4 Rules for Adoption of Apple Market Orders and Apple Market Agreements Ch. 5 Maine Potato Council: Financial Reports and Out-of-State Travel Ch. 6 Petition for Agency Rulemaking Ch. 7 Adoption of Agricultural Land Interest Form Ch. 8 Rules for Department Grant Awards and Appeals Ch. 9 Rules Requiring Use of Best Management Practices for Growing Crops to Minimize Cross Contamination Ch. 10 Rules for the Agricultural Compliance Program Ch. 11 Rules of Procedure Governing Award of Dates for Agricultural Fairs Ch. 12 Agricultural Fairs - Licensing Ch. 13 Agricultural Fairs Performance Evaluation Ch. 20 Apple Market Order Ch. 25 Rules for Adoption of Fresh Blueberry Market Orders Ch. 26 Fresh-Pack Blueberry Market Order Ch. 30 Quarantine (Potato) Ch. 31 Rules for Operation of Potato Marketing Improvement Fund Ch. 32 Rules for Operation of Agricultural Marketing Loan Fund Ch. 33 Rules Governing the Agricultural Development Grant Program Ch. 34 Rules for Operation of Dairy Improvement Fund Ch. 36 Rules Governing the Maine Farms for the Future Program Ch. 37 Rules Governing the Voluntary Municipal Farm Support Program Ch. 41 Fresh Broccoli Market Order Ch. 50 Rules for the Determination of Insufficient Veterinary Services Ch. 60 Maine Milk Pool - Operation Ch. 61 Maine Milk Pool Cost of Administration (see 01-015, Maine Milk Commission, Chapter 61) Ch. 62 General Fund Money Distributed to Maine Dairy Farmers (Note: Chapter 62 is a joint rule with 01-015.) Ch. 100 Grievance Procedures for the Handicapped Ch. 106 Standard Grades for Apples Ch. 111 Official Standards for Egg Grades Ch. 117 Official Standard for Maple Syrup Grades Ch. 122 Fee Schedule for Inspection of Agricultural Commodities Ch. 123 Distribution of Proceeds from Potato License Surety Bonds Ch. 125 Official Classification, Grades and Standards for Potatoes Packed in Maine Ch. 126 Official Use of Blue, White and Red State Trademark Ch. 131 Bonding Schedule for Dealers in Agriculture Commodities / Dry Beans Ch. 135 Official Use of State of Maine Quality Trademark Ch. 136 Official State of Maine Grades and Standards for Milk and Milk Products for Use with the State of Maine Quality Trademark Ch. 137 Official State of Maine Grade for Bottled Water Ch. 139 Official Standards for Christmas Trees Ch. 141 Official Standards for Grades of Milled Lumber Ch. 143 Maine Quality Trademark, Standards and Grades for Bunched Italian Sprouting Broccoli Ch. 144 Standards for the Use of the State of Maine Quality Trademark on Molluscan Shellfish Ch. 170 Rules for Administration of Maine Agriculture Promotion Assistance Matching Fund Ch. 201 Rules Governing Licensed Livestock Dealers Ch. 202 Rule for the Intrastate Movement of Sheep and Goats Ch. 203 Rule for the Participation in the Maine Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program Ch. 204 Rule for the Licensing Requirements for Farmed Cervids Ch. 205 Rules Governing Poultry Disease Control Fund Ch. 206 Prevention and Control of Certain Diseases of Domestic Animals and Poultry Ch. 207 Control of Equine Infectious Anemia Ch. 208 Handling of Domestic Animals and Poultry Vaccines Ch. 209 Livestock Commission and Community Auctions Ch. 210 Poultry for Immediate Slaughter Ch. 211 Rules for the Disposal of Animal Carcasses Ch. 212 Rules Governing Procurement, Storage, Distribution and Use of Brucellosis Vaccine Ch. 213 Rules for the Salmonella Enteritidis Risk Reduction and Surveillance Program for Commercial Egg-Type Flocks Ch. 216 Rules Governing the Sale of Dogs and Cats and Importation of Dogs and Cats for Resale or Adoption Ch. 220 Importation of Certain Deer into Maine Ch. 223 Rules for the Operation of Commercial Large Game Shooting Areas Ch. 226 Rules Governing the Administration of Certain Substances to Animals Entered in Pulling Competitions Ch. 240 Guidelines for Feeding Fish Waste and Other Liquid Based Feed Systems to Swine Ch. 250 American Ginseng Ch. 252 Regulations Governing Certification of Seed Potatoes in the State of Maine Ch. 253 Official Seed Potato Grade for Maine Certified Seed Potatoes Ch. 255 Imported Seed Potatoes Ch. 257 Rules Governing the Establishment and Operation of Seed Potato Production Areas Ch. 259 Minimum Standards for Planting Potatoes Ch. 261 Field Seed Certification Ch. 265 Discontinuation of Maine Apple Tree Pool Ch. 266 Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Quarantine Ch. 267 License Fees to Sell Nursery Stock Ch. 270 Maine Apiary Rules and Regulations Ch. 272 European Larch Canker Quarantine Ch. 273 Criteria for Listing Invasive Terrestrial Plants Ch. 274 Rules for Growing Hemp Ch. 275 Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine Ch. 302 Method of Sale of Commodities Ch. 303 Packaging and Labelling Ch. 304 Weights and Measures Ch. 306 Regulations for Adoption of Type Evaluation of Weighing and Measuring Devices Ch. 307 Fees for Testing Weighing and Measuring Devices Ch. 308 Roadside Advertising of Gasoline and Gasoline Pricing Ch. 309 Multiple Draft Weighing Ch. 311 Commercial Feed Ch. 312 Pet Food Ch. 313 Seeds Ch. 315 Agricultural Liming Materials Regulations Ch. 329 Rule Governing Maine Milk and Milk Products Ch. 330 License Fees to Manufacture and Sell Food and Beverages Ch. 331 State of Maine Food Code 2001 (a joint chapter with 10-144 Ch. 200) Ch. 332 Rabbit Processing Ch. 333 Official Grades For Sardines Packed in Louisiana Hot Sauce (1/4 Size Cans) Ch. 334 Packing of Sardines Ch. 335 Official Grades for Sardines in Mustard Sauce (1/4 and 3 1/4 Size Cans) Ch. 336 Official Grades for Sardines in Tomato Sauce (l/4 and 3 1/4 oz. Size Cans) Ch. 337 Official Grades for Sardines in Oil Packed in 1/4 and 3 1/4 oz. Size Cans Ch. 338 Official Grades for Sardines in Mustard Sauce Packed in 15 oz. Oval Cans Ch. 339 Official Grades for Sardines in Tomato Sauce Packed in 15 oz. Oval Cans Ch. 340 Sardine Inspection Tax Ch. 341 Bakeries (Commercial, Retail and Distributors) Ch. 342 Cider and Apple Juice Ch. 343 Food Processing and Manufacturing Ch. 344 Food Storage Warehouses Ch. 345 Home Food Manufacturing Ch. 346 Rules Governing Meat and Poultry Inspection and Licensing Ch. 347 Birch and Maple Syrup Processing Ch. 348 Poultry Slaughter and Processing with Grower/Producer Exemption Ch. 349 Ethylene Dibromide (EDB): Tolerance Levels in Food Products Ch. 350 Regulations under the Maine Commercial Fertilizer Law Ch. 351 Packaged Ice Manufacturing and Processing Ch. 352 Fallow Deer Processing Ch. 353 Licensing of Deer for Domestic Food Ch. 354 Country of Origin Labeling on Produce Ch. 355 Labeling of Post-Harvest Treatments Ch. 357 Food Salvage Ch. 358 Manufacturing of Potentially Hazardous Foods Ch. 359 Rules Governing the Processing / Handling / Storing / Labeling of Smoked, Cured and Salted Fish Ch. 360 Responsibilities of Manufacturers, Distributors, Dealers, Initiators of Deposit, Contracted Agents and Redemption Centers under the Returnable Beverage Container Law (relocated to 06-096 Ch. 426) Ch. 361 On Farm Raising, Slaughter and Processing of Less Than 1000 Ready-to-Cook Whole Rabbits Carcasses Ch. 365 Field Sanitation Ch. 375 Determination of Safety and Sufficiency of Dam or Reservoir Ch. 380 Wood Measurement Rules - General Provisions Ch. 381 General Requirements for Wood Transactions Ch. 382 Measurement of Wood and Declaration of Quantity Ch. 383 Measurement and Prompt Furnishing of Measurement Tally Sheets Ch. 384 Wood Measurement Rules - Complaints and Investigations Ch. 385 Wood Measurement Rules - Licensing of Wood Scalers Appendices (in Adobe .pdf format) Ch. 400 Administrative Cost Grants Ch. 401 Income Replacement Ch. 402 Support for No-Cost Technical Assistance Ch. 403 Infrastructure Investment Grants Ch. 404 Assistance Obtaining New Loans Ch. 405 Real Estate Purchases Ch. 406 Competitive Research Grants Ch. 407 Financial Support for Blood Serum Testing Ch. 408 Financial Support for Mental Health Care Ch. 502 Regulations for Treatment of Animals in Schools Ch. 551 Rules for Conduct of Agricultural Viability Program Ch. 552 Rules for Conducting the Continuation Phase of the Agricultural Viability Program Ch. 560 Standards for Compost Products Ch. 565 Nutrient Management Rules Attachments (in Adobe .pdf format) Ch. 600 Rules Regarding the Disposal of Cull Potatoes Ch. 701 Rules Governing Animal Welfare Ch. 702 Rules For the Companion Animal Sterilization Program Ch. 703 Rules for the Care and Treatment of Elephants Ch. 721 Rules for the Permanent Identification of Wolf Hybrids Ch. 751 Rules Governing Arborist Licensing, Testing, and Enforcement in the State of Maine (formerly 02-287, Arborist Examining Board, Ch. 1 - "Definitions.") (This new version also absorbed Ch. 752, 753, and 754.) Ch. 802 Disbursal of Challenge Grant Funds (formerly 01-019, Soil and Water Conservation Commission, Ch. 10) Ch. 803 Election of Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors (formerly 01-019, Soil and Water Conservation Commission, Ch. 15) Ch. 806 Advisory Rulings (formerly 01-019, Soil and Water Conservation Commission, Ch. 40) 01 013 Maine Potato Marketing Committee (statutory authority repealed) 01 015 Maine Milk Commission Ch. 1 Orders Ch. 3 Schedule of Minimum Prices for Milk (see /dacf/milkcommission/minimum.shtml) Ch. 4 Marketing Areas Ch. 5 Dealer Cost Accounting and Reporting System Ch. 6 Inspection of Records, Books and Accounts Ch. 7 Advisory Rulings Ch. 10 Accounting Review of 1979 Dealer Data Ch. 11 Dealer and Subdealer Delivery Route Information Ch. 13 Retail Cost Studies Ch. 14 30 Days Notice Ch. 20 Prevention of Destructive Competition Ch. 26 Producer Margins Ch. 26 Basis Statment Ch. 27 Retail Margins Ch. 28 Milk Promotion Fee Ch. 29 Dealer Margins Ch. 29 Dealer Margins Ch. 61 Maine Milk Pool Cost of Administration Ch. 62 General Fund Money Distributed to Maine Dairy Farmers 01 017 State Harness Racing Commission Ch. 1 Administration Ch. 3 Officials and Race Track Personnel Ch. 5 Tracks Ch. 7 Racing Ch. 9 Sire Stakes Ch. 11 Medications, Prohibited Substances and Testing Ch. 13 Pari-Mutuel Wagering Ch. 15 Off-Track Betting Ch. 17 Rule Violations; Penalties Ch. 19 Protests, Appeals and Race Date Assignment Hearings Ch. 21 General Hearing Procedures 01 019 Soil and Water Conservation Commission (Note: the Commission was repealed and its regulatory authority transferred to 01-001, Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources, effective July 4, 1996. The rule chapters were renumbered and relocated to 01-001, Chapters 801 - 806.) 01 020 Maine Agricultural Bargaining Board Ch. 1 Rules of the Agricultural Bargaining Board Ch. 2 Conduct of Public Hearings Ch. 3 Rules of Procedure for the Maine Agricultural Bargaining Board 01 026 Board of Pesticides Control Ch. 10 Definitions and Terms Ch. 20 Special Provisions Ch. 22 Standards for Outdoor Application of Pesticides by Powered Equipment in Order to Minimize Off-Target Deposition Ch. 24 Pesticide Storage Facility Standards / Pesticide Distributors Ch. 26 Standards for Pesticide Applications and Notification for All Occupied Buildings Except K-12 Schools Ch. 27 Standards for Pesticide Application and Public Notification in Schools Ch. 28 Notification Provisions for Outdoor Pesticide Applications Ch. 29 Standards for Water Quality Protection Ch. 31 Certification and Licensing Provisions / Commercial Applicators Ch. 32 Certification and Licensing Provisions / Private Applicators Ch. 33 Certification and Licensing Provisions / Private Applicators of General Use Pesticides Ch. 34 Certification and Licensing Provisions / Dealers Ch. 35 Certification and Licensing Provisions / Spray Contracting Firms Ch. 36 Certification and Licensing Provisions / Monitors and Spotters for Forest Insect Aerial Spray Program (repealed) Ch. 40 Maine Restricted and Limited-Use Pesticides Ch. 41 Special Restrictions on Pesticide Use Ch. 50 Record Keeping & Reporting Requirements Ch. 51 Notice of Aerial Pesticide Applications Ch. 60 Designation of Critical Pesticide Control Areas Ch. 70 Adjudicatory Proceedings Ch. 80 Advisory Rulings Ch. 90 Complaints 01 303 Pull Events Commission Ch. 15 Rules for Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents of Pull Events 01 669 Maine Forest Service Ch. 1 White Pine Blister Rust, Quarantine on Currant and Gooseberry Bushes Ch. 2 Spark Arresters Ch. 4 Silvicultural Treatment Designation and New Market Withdrawal Ch. 6 Railroad Right of Way Fire Prevention Plans Ch. 20 Forest Regeneration and Clearcutting Standards Ch. 21 Statewide Standards for Timber Harvesting and Related Activities in Shoreland Areas Ch. 23 Timber Harvesting Standards to Substantially Eliminate Liquidation Harvesting Ch. 24 Boundary Paint Marking Standards Ch. 25 Standards for Placing Wood into Stream Channels to Enhance Cold Water Fisheries Habitat Ch. 26 Forest Operations Notification Standards Ch. 27 Standards for Timber Harvesting and Timber Harvesting-related Activities within Unorganized and Deorganized Areas of the State Ch. 29 Fee Schedule Ch. 30 Prior Approval Process and Stop Work Orders Ch. 35 Browntail Moth Mitigation Fund Ch. 501 Use of Fireplaces and Outdoor Grills 01 670 Bureau of Parks and Lands Ch. 1 Rules for State Parks and Historic Sites Ch. 2 Rules and Regulations for the Allagash Wilderness Waterway Ch. 3 Maine State Aids to Navigation System Ch. 4 Rules and Regulations Governing Boating Facilities Ch. 5 Rules and Regulations for Lunch and Campsites in the Penobscot Corridor, Lobster Lake, and Chesuncook Lake Ch. 6 Designated Scenic Viewpoints of State or National Significance, Located on Public Reserved Land or on a Publicly Accessible Trail Used Exclusively for Pedestrian Use, for Consideration in the Permitting of Expedited Wind Energy Development Ch. 7 Rules for Snowmobile Program Ch. 8 Rules for Snowmobile Club Grant-in-Aid Program Ch. 9 Rules for Snowmobile Capital Equipment Grant-in-Aid Program Ch. 10 Rules for Snowmobile Disaster Relief Grant-in-Aid Program Ch. 15 General ATV Trail Guidelines, ATV Trail Program Insurance Ch. 18 ATV Municipal/County Grant-In-Aid Program Ch. 51 Use of Public Lands Ch. 52 Coastal Island Registry Regulations Ch. 53 Submerged Lands Rules Ch. 54 Bear Baiting on Public Lands Ch. 55 Sunken Log Salvage Rules Ch. 56 Grievance Procedures for the Handicapped Ch. 57 Logging and Forestry Education Grant Program Ch. 160 Rules for ATV Club Trail Maintenance Grant-in-Aid Program 01 672 Land Use Planning Commission (formerly Land Use Regulation Commission) Ch. 1 Fee Schedule Ch. 2 Definitions Ch. 4 Rules of Practice Ch. 5 Rules for the Conduct of Public Hearings Ch. 10 Land Use Districts and Standards: Subchapter I Subchapter II Subchapter III: 10.24, 10.25 Subchapter III: 10.26 Subchapter III: 10.27 Appendices Ch. 11 Administrative Regulations for Hydropower Projects Ch. 12 Land Use District Requirements - Metallic Mineral Exploration and Level C Mineral Exploration Ch. 13 Metallic Mineral Exploration,and Mining Certifications Ch. 15 Guidelines for Private Roads or Ways in LURC Management Districts Ch. 16 Rules Relating to Large Lot Land Divisions Ch. 17 Reestablishment of Commission Jurisdiction 04 056 Conservation - General (transferred to 01-670) 04 058 Maine Forest Service (transferred to 01-669) 04 059 Bureau of Parks and Lands (transferred to 01-670) 04 061 Land Use Planning Commission (transferred to 01-672) 04 063 Bureau of Public Lands (obsolete; see 01-670, Chapters 51-54) Rules relocated to Agriculture from the former State Planning Office Ch. 1 Kennebec River Resource Management Plan (.pdf) Ch. 10 Grievance Procedures for the Handicapped Ch. 201 Procedural Rule for Submission and Review of Zoning Ordinances Ch. 203 Subdivision Ordinance Review Criteria Rule Ch. 205 Procedural Rule for Submittal and Review of Municipal Growth Management Programs for a Certificate of Consistency Ch. 208 Comprehensive Plan Review Criteria Rule Ch. 210 Zoning Ordinance Review Criteria Rule Ch. 220 Methodology for Identification of Regional Service Centers Ch. 250 Methodology for Conducting a Scenic Inventory of Scenic Resources of State or National Significance Located in the State's Coastal Area